Me when you get too drunk 2 comments
· 7 years ago
Fucking Clark Kent over here! Got the message and got his friend home safe in less than 20 minutes.
Gee,I wonder.. 20 comments
· 8 years ago
I once saw this beautiful chick with blue hair walking past me at school (I had no self control at the time) and I blurted out "You can be the main character in my life anytime!"
Somebody tell her 4 comments
· 8 years ago
At first he looked like RuPaul and I thought, "Someone tell her? Oh! Tell her there is a celebrity in front of her!" ¤_¤ Guess I do need glasses.
I mean even if you're not born in 2000. 24 comments
· 8 years ago
After 21 you stop caring. I've had to pull out a calculator to subtract my birth year from the current year more times then I'd like to admit.
Vaccines 29 comments
· 8 years ago
¤_¤ Seeing as to the fact that America has outlawed studies comparing the vaccinated population to the unvaccinated as it is "unethical" your ignorant statement is why you "vaxxers" need to pull your heads out your asses. I'm going to go out on a ledge here and say you don't know a single "Nonvaxxer" that makes up the less than 2% of your American population. So you actually can't prove your statement. You obviously don't know what vaccine shedding is, or the effect of formaldehyde on the human body, or even what a blood-brain barrier is. Fear of the unknown breeds hate, and hate is all I see. When the head of the CDC ADMITS the TDaP vaccine is the weakest one on the market and you all still try to rip out the throats of parents that decide the risk isn't worth it, it worries me. 84% is the rate of pertussis cases who are fully vaccinated. Www.nvic.org
Vaccines 29 comments
*sitcoms across the country shatter* 43 comments
· 8 years ago
Poly isn't easy, but what relationship is? Everyone gets hurt no matter how many people are in it, we grow up, grow apart, break up and move on. Being in a relationship where a need could never be met by one person and ignoring that need for the sake of being with "one person" is just as hurtful. The key to a successful relationship(s) is being upfront, with others as well as yourself, and communicating those needs with everyone involved. If poly isn't your thing, find a partner who agrees, just don't go bashing someone else's relationship because you can't wrap your head around it.
An abandoned shopping mall in Ohio 34 comments
· 8 years ago
Wow. So I grew up in akron ohio, and I remember going there! This was the craziest mall I had ever been to, when you walked in there was a huge poster of rules; no groups larger than five could shop together, (large families like mine didn't bother coming back), you couldn't all wear the same color clothes(me and my friends only wore black so we couldn't go), no swearing -_-, the list went on. And it was strictly enforced, you were kicked out by security, so no one bothered going there. Aside from elderly people walking and window shopping it was a ghost mall long before these pictures were taken. That was in 2007, I'm actually surprised they made it to 2011.
That's just nasty. 101 comments
· 8 years ago
I was about to write it off as a hoax, then I realized, I don't even know what jizz really looks like. {¤_¤}
For me it's a high squeaky "EIIHHH" 42 comments
Let's see who gets it 41 comments
Interesting facts about your body 72 comments
Pretty much how periods work 33 comments
· 8 years ago
Actually, this is how I know I'm going to have a period, mine are so irregular I could go months without one. The week prior I'll crave something and eat it every damn day, thank goodness for so many pizza options.
Then about 48 hours before the red storm hits, I will tear up over almost anything, from tv commercials to dropping food. Crying over cereal commercials is usually my cue to stock up on supplies and get ready for the El Nino of periods.
Then about 48 hours before the red storm hits, I will tear up over almost anything, from tv commercials to dropping food. Crying over cereal commercials is usually my cue to stock up on supplies and get ready for the El Nino of periods.
Brace yourselves...Summer is coming 12 comments
And Satan is the bad guy 41 comments
· 9 years ago
Hahahaha MamaMonster is a name given to me by my group of friends, because I care for them like a mother would her children. But yes, I am a terrible parent I let my friends get drunk and do all the drugs they want and clean up their messes, and drive them home after shows or parties. Hahaha But they are my monsters and I love them all dearly.
And Satan is the bad guy 41 comments
This guy was Oscar material as a kid 17 comments