Clever study trick with colored pens and 3D glasses 23 comments
· 10 years ago
Or you could study..
So deep even adele cant role in it :/ 26 comments
Realistic version of Humpty Dumpty 6 comments
· 10 years ago
But when a story is about a human, do they come right out and say that it's about a human.
The definition of insanity 4 comments
Guess who's not a 20 y/o virgin anymore 16 comments
This might be the most accurate thing ever written 22 comments
· 10 years ago
Same here. We had a POD/Economics class senior year that prepared you for the future. I wish I would've paid more attention.
When someone thinks an Onion news article is real 3 comments
· 10 years ago
I work for a call center & one day this woman called in freaking out about an article she read on the onion about our company and thought it was true. I said ma'am..where did you read that? She said the and I said exactly.
Easiest job on the planet 6 comments
I recently moved out on my own and this sums up my experience so far 4 comments
· 10 years ago
I feel like I'm gonna live in my parents' house forever. Rent and other bills are so damn expensive and the state of Pennsylvania taxes the hell out of your paycheck.