Simbaaaa! 22 comments
· 11 years ago
Yes, finally someone who knows what that is. I am biromantic. :)
Simbaaaa! 22 comments
· 11 years ago
I am asexual. I like both genders. I can fall in love with both genders. I just don't want to be sexual with either. It is like bisexual, but without the sex.
They broke it 18 comments
· 11 years ago
Even if it isn't used in that context it still hurts me every time I hear it.
They broke it 18 comments
· 11 years ago
We aren't all homophobic, I am a biromantic asexual. I like both genders, but I am not physically attracted to either.
My phobias. 12 comments
Fabulous as f*ck 18 comments
· 11 years ago
Don't stereotype homosexuals. We can be any way we want. We can also be fantabulous, but most of the time we are completely normal.
Some people do what they want 33 comments
· 11 years ago
It isn't the religion that is bad. I can respect the religion, but I can not stand it when people hide behind their religion, because they are afraid of something they don't understand. That's all that homophobia is.
Perfect book idea 46 comments
· 11 years ago
Oh, yes, of course! Give him a prize, when you insult millions of people(including me) you at least had the decency not to use homophobic slurs.
Just remember this 18 comments
· 11 years ago
It was adorable up until that point, then I just gave up on guys everywhere.
And earth is flat and sun revolves around us 31 comments
Simbaaaa! 22 comments
· 11 years ago
Oh.... I have met a few people like that. It is very difficult to get them to stop going on about stuff they are clueless about. They do realize that you can't argue about what is okay for gays against an actual gay, right?
And earth is flat and sun revolves around us 31 comments
· 11 years ago
Why can't we all just get along? What did homosexuals ever do to them? No, the excuse ' the bible said so' and ' it is not natural' don't count. I am pretty sure that if people were actually educated about homosexuality we wouldn't have this problem.
Australian Bank Turns ATMs Into Colorful ‘GAYTMs’ To Support LGBT Parade 30 comments
· 11 years ago
Really, now I feel special! We are pretty magical. Come on, our flag is a rainbow, we have to be super duper fantabulous.
Australian Bank Turns ATMs Into Colorful ‘GAYTMs’ To Support LGBT Parade 30 comments
· 11 years ago
I find it funny that the heteros are more excited about the sparkles than the homosexuals
P.s. We really aren't that sparkly, but... EEEEKK, THAT IS SO FREAKIN' FANTABULOUS!!! :)
Edited 11 years ago
P.s. We really aren't that sparkly, but... EEEEKK, THAT IS SO FREAKIN' FANTABULOUS!!! :)
Simbaaaa! 22 comments
· 11 years ago
Hey, guys I have been noticing you have been in a few of these types of arguments. If you ever need me I would be happy to be an expert on the topic of homosexuals. I am Asexual ( I like both genders). You guys seem to have a conflicting view on what homosexuals want. You can always ask me what homosexuals want.
Do you guys agree? 125 comments
· 11 years ago
Just so you know I grew up watching straight princesses fall in love with straight prince and I'm Bi. If the movies really influenced me that much I would be straight. If you think a 'gay' movie will turn a child 'gay', then why didn't the 'straight' movies keep kids 'straight'. Use logic, movies don't change a kid's sexuality.
I'll never be able to see the little mermaid the same way again 24 comments
· 11 years ago
Thank you for understanding. It is so frustrating, due to the fact that I am homosexual, that I come across these comments. I have been trying to limit the closed minded comments on funsubstance, but some are painfully uneducated on homosexuality. I wish that there was a guest speaker that talked to seniors or something, because some of these comments are ridiculous.
why I love Cry 25 comments
· 11 years ago
People just need to realize that 'NO HOMO' 'Faggot' 'so gay' hurt people. Don't you understand that we understand we are gay and we don't want to hear how Justin Beiber is such a FAGGOT or how if you say NO HOMO you won't have to worry about being homosexual, as if being homosexual is a disease. I am not asking much, just take a second and think about how your comments affect others. Would you be proud of yourself if a disabled person heard you say retarded? How do you think we feel? These words HURT!
Good guy gay 15 comments
· 11 years ago
Wow, it must have been hard for him to come out. I feel like throwing up when I think about coming out. I like it in the closet, it's dark and comfy. :) Btw, we both know you didn't write the comment by the homophobic guest up there. You should get an account so you don't get sorted with the homophobic guests.
Good guy gay 15 comments
· 11 years ago
Hey, just because he is a homophobic jerk doesn't mean we have to stoop to his level. Catdaddyisback, 'So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.' John 8:7
How is it that homophobes love to use that phrase, but they judge those that never actually wanted to hurt them. Actually we don't like you very much, but still. :) Have great day and when you die, I want God to tell you off for hating those he made exactly the way he wanted them.
Edited 11 years ago
How is it that homophobes love to use that phrase, but they judge those that never actually wanted to hurt them. Actually we don't like you very much, but still. :) Have great day and when you die, I want God to tell you off for hating those he made exactly the way he wanted them.
Stop It, Heteros*xuals.. Just Stop It... 33 comments
· 11 years ago
We know you aren't aiming words like 'faggot'.
P.S. But it still hurts...
-The Funsubstance homosexual community
P.S. But it still hurts...
-The Funsubstance homosexual community
A legit reason for everyone to hate justin bieber 33 comments
· 11 years ago
Hi, I am a homosexual, please stop using the word faggot. You may think that it doesn't hurt, but every time I hear or see this word I feel like a small part of myself dies. :) Have a wonderful day!
I'll never be able to see the little mermaid the same way again 24 comments
· 11 years ago
Don't hate homosexuals because you don't understand homophobes. That is like hating someone because they speak a different language. If you are to juvenile to stop behind 'ew' and the phrase, 'I am not homophobic or anything, but...'. People need to realize how much things like that affect homosexuals.
Probably one of the finest burns in internet history 139 comments
· 11 years ago
You wanted a gay to answer your questions, I would probably be your best bet. If you have questions ask away. I would be happy to educate. This offer is for everyone.