Probably one of the finest burns in internet history 139 comments
· 11 years ago
We are born like this way, we should be treated with respect, stop looking down at us as though there is something wrong with us. It isn't your business, you aren't gay, so can't tell us that it is our choice. Most of us wouldn't choose to be disowned, or attacked, or be told that we need to be fixed, or staying in the closet for years because our friends talk about how gays should burn in hell. We don't choose to be the focus for hate crimes, or being treated as filth, or not being able to marry the people we love, or coming to a family reunion to hear your family say that homosexuality is just like pedophilia and bestiality. Did you know that in Arizona a business owner can refuse you service if you are gay? Do you know how much that hurts? We don't choose that, but I am not going to be ashamed of who I am. You can't make us feel ashamed because you don't understand. Btw, bisexuals are born that way too. I can speak for most gays right now, and say this ' Please, educate yourself'.
Probably one of the finest burns in internet history 139 comments
· 11 years ago
When people talk about how they want to have sex with someone, I see that they are attractive, but I can't be attracted by it. When I have a crush I don't picture kissing them or being physical, all I want is to be close to them, snuggle, and hold their hand. The thought of touching someone or being touched doesn't cause any emotional response, just indifference. For a time I thought I was bisexual, because I just thought love was love, no matter the gender. Then, the more I researched and did some soul searching, the more I realized that I didn't want to be sexually involved, I wanted to fall in love, to hold someone close to me, and to have someone to tell all my secrets to. I still can love both genders, I just don't need sex. I don't think you are rude, I would be curious too. :)
Please have a slice of... 26 comments
Probably one of the finest burns in internet history 139 comments
· 11 years ago
Just so you know, my sexuality isn't chosen. I am asexual, but that isn't because I choose to be. Don't get me wrong, I am proud to be me. I shouldn't have to be ashamed of who I love. By the way, I respect your religion, I will not force you into anything against your religion, but I don't believe what you believe. I respect your religion, and I expect from everyone to give me that same respect. My sexuality is not something that can be changed, because I was born this way. There is just one thing about the religion that I need to ask, ' If god made me perfect, then how is being me wrong?'. I thought that god sees everyone of us as beautiful. If he saw homosexuality as wrong he wouldn't have made us homosexual. This may not change anything, but I am tired of people wanting to fix me, preaching about ' repenting my sins' when their sins are worse than mine, because they cast the stone. If he made me wrong, then let him serve my punishment, not you.
The gay test 13 comments
Tom Hiddleston + Chris Hemsworth 44 comments
· 11 years ago
This is one of those times where I wish I could find people 'sexually attractive', but all I see is 'I don't care attractive'.
Can we have this? 29 comments
Anyone wanna join me? 72 comments
· 11 years ago
I can rent an Igloo!! My life is complete.... as soon as I meet a fictional character... and get on the popular page...and live on mars... and come out of the closet(in real life). So, I guess I have a little while until I can say my life is complete.
What house are we all in? 112 comments
· 11 years ago
When I took the pottermore sorting hat I was so worried. I wanted Hufflepuff so bad, but all of the online tests put me in Gryffindor. I answered honestly and actually made it in to Hufflepuff.
What house are we all in? 112 comments
So true 9 comments
Love all around the world :') 75 comments
too help make your day better 50 comments
I damn sure hope so.... 10 comments
too help make your day better 50 comments
Yummy! 15 comments
· 11 years ago
I was at the beach once and I picked one of those up and carried it for a while... it licked me.
Skipping legs is for f*ggots 9 comments
· 11 years ago
Real Girl, your titles are funny and make your posts even better. I love it when a funsubstance user not only has funny posts, but also has funny or witty titles to add to it.
Skipping legs is for f*ggots 9 comments
· 11 years ago
Seriously, this post would have been hilarious, but the title was incredibly offensive.
Bis*xuals are great 4 comments
Weird Weddings 18 comments
The funny one on himym 5 comments
· 11 years ago
His profile picture is from Dr. Horribles sing-along blog. WATCH THIS SHOW!!!
Taylor Swift's dating list 7 comments
· 11 years ago
She really hasn't dated that many people. She just gets a bad reputation because she writes breakup songs. Just like how people hate on Miley Cyrus and Lady Gaga because they are being out there. Even Justin Beiber ( Before he became a jerk) was judged because he had a 'girly voice'. At least there is proof that JB is a jerk. I probably will get down voted for this, but I thought I should say it.