

Fuck you, you boring ass cunt. I'm not here to be popular or gain your acceptance.

— MalcomTucker Report User
Pass the bucket of water, there's some burn over here 33 comments
malcomtucker · 10 years ago
Oh, so let me get this right - by that logic, because there are some in the Catholic Church who were accused of pedophilia, all Christians and Catholics are pedophiles? Okay then, take a gander at this everyone:
Oh no! One of those sweet gay people everyone loves and feels sorry for, had his way with a three month old baby boy... despite having a steady boyfriend and being a leader for the LGBT movement. So I guess, if a priest molests a boy... then all Catholics are pedophiles, then surely if a gay man molests a three month old... all gay men are pedophiles? Now would the liberal left like to back away from this argument?
I love this man. A mad genius. 11 comments
malcomtucker · 10 years ago
Well fuck me sideways, the axe wound has an opinion! I would be impressed darling if your ancestors weren't a bunch of fucking depraved criminals that killed the Aborigines with their diseases and then forced the rest off of their land and out of their homes so they could build their whore houses and gambling dens.
I love this man. A mad genius. 11 comments
malcomtucker · 10 years ago
Yeah, it's because I'm just a regular guy and he's a celebrity with millions of dollars. Thank you for contributing to the downfall and dumbing down of society, now go find some other wank stain to worship. Maybe Bieber would enjoy you sucking on his left nut.
I love this man. A mad genius. 11 comments
malcomtucker · 10 years ago
Okay then - all gay people are sick fucking pedophiles who are plotting to take over this world because they can't reproduce. Black people are also so fucking stupid they should have stayed up in the trees eating bananas. And don't get me started on those greasy looking Hispanic people - they look like they don't ever shower.
Now, no hate people, not a single down-vote, because according to this wank stain, I just forced you to think.
My FAVOURITE American saying!! :)) 4 comments
malcomtucker · 10 years ago
What do I have against the horse you rode in on? It fucking carried your sweaty, hairy ass into my town where I had to lay eyes on you.
Awesome tr cosplay 17 comments
malcomtucker · 10 years ago
Christ's sake, it looks like she crawled through a fucking septic system.
When someone "nominate" me for the Ice Bucket Challenge 11 comments
malcomtucker · 10 years ago
Don't then. No one said you have to be a sheep and do whatever every other pinhead is doing. It's the donation that counts, not the played out social media "Look at me! Look at me!" bullshit. Make a donation, and get on with your life.
"Boys'" toy logic 13 comments
malcomtucker · 10 years ago
To be fair - the boy is going to use Sheamus to tear John Cena's fucking head off of his shoulders with a Brogue Kick while when playing with Barbie? He'll be too busy picking out nice outfits his boyfriend will find attractive so Ken can ride him doggy style.
21 · Edited 10 years ago
Did you know?? 18 comments
malcomtucker · 10 years ago
How the fuck can anyone know what space smells like when it's fucking impossible to take your helmet off without exploding?