Do any of you have interesting scars? 89 comments
· 8 years ago
I have one on my lip from playing hockey in 4th grade. We weren't supposed to raise the sticks above our hip height but this boy didn't listen and split my lip open.
Evan 12 comments
· 8 years ago
When you watch it more than once you can actually see it in the background- I'll be honest though, I didn't notice either. That may be the point of the video but it's scary that this kind of stuff happens every day.
This guy broke his neck 5 years ago 10 comments
Jennifer lawrence 4 comments
Roundabout-ception 14 comments
· 8 years ago
I just want to sing ring around the Rosie as I drive in circles around it all day.
Uncomfortable Truth 12 comments
· 8 years ago
I don't celebrate either of them. Healthy is not a relative term that can be thrown around lightly. Weighing as much as a 9 year old when you're a middle aged woman for "fashion" or weighing the same as a fridge and calling it "healthy" is not good for anyone. And bring on the downvotes!
Got your sh*t ready ?! 8 comments
· 8 years ago
Wow. No, I never did anything that big for teachers. I'm giving my daughter's teacher a personalized notepad and my son's teachers a candle. Slow cooker for someone you don't like is very generous!
Got your sh*t ready ?! 8 comments
· 8 years ago
Done shopping, almost done wrapping everything, decorating the house this weekend, and making Christmas cookies next week! BRING IT!
Why do you wanna bang a ghost? 3 comments
I see your "is it safe for humans" and raise you this 29 comments
· 8 years ago
What. The. Hell.
I'm mildly terrified yet mildly turned on... WHAT HAVE YOU DONE???
I'm mildly terrified yet mildly turned on... WHAT HAVE YOU DONE???
I can't help it 7 comments
· 8 years ago
I have trouble hearing in one ear and my kids never shut up so yeah- subtitles work great.
So true haha 6 comments
· 8 years ago
Not a "great" mood so much as a "yay I'm not reusing the gross bacteria on all of my dishes anymore" kind of mood.
Baloney pony 20 comments
· 8 years ago
Giving birth is much worse- granted I'm a woman so I don't have the equipment to test the testicle aspect of this problem. But I've given birth twice and labor is not 30 minutes to an hour unless you're lucky. Usually a first time birth is anywhere from 6-12 hours of hard labor (pushing and screaming) and if you're lucky enough to have it end with a vaginal birth- yay! If not, you get a c-section where they literally cut into your abdomen and take the baby out and then sew you shut. Recovery from a non-complicated vaginal delivery is on average about 4-6 weeks. A csection is about 6-8 weeks and hoping you don't get an infection because that hurts worse and drags out the healing.
So yeah- birth wins this argument. You don't have 4-12 weeks of recovery from a kick to the nads, be thankful.
So yeah- birth wins this argument. You don't have 4-12 weeks of recovery from a kick to the nads, be thankful.
It must have made the kids fuherious 7 comments
Awkward Christmas present 6 comments
· 8 years ago
I got my husband another shirt exactly like one he's already got and wears quite often. It's one of his favorites and he's wearing it out- rather than him not be able to wear it anymore he has a spare now!
And that's how you die 4 comments
Most valuable thing you found 4 comments
The only man I'll ever need 2 comments
"For da reblogs mama ok" 10 comments
Another scar on my leg from an M-16 dummy rifle(called a rubber ducky). We were doing drills and trying to show our drill sergeants a trick we learned but mine bounced off a rock and when I went to flip it- it hit my calf right on the bone and started pouring blood. It was kinda cool. :) No stitches from that one though.