Ye've warmed tha c*ckles of ma heart 13 comments
· 10 years ago
I love when that happens :)
Striped sweater 16 comments
All drivers need to stop doing this 3 comments
· 10 years ago
I've been rear ended twice (both times destroyed both cars and resulted in injuries) and it's given me severe "ghost brake syndrome"
I freaked out, until I did the math 6 comments
· 10 years ago
From the moment of conception to birth pregnancy actually lasts 10 months.
Seriously, how?! 30 comments
· 10 years ago
I usually take about 10 minutes (If I'm not shaving my legs) but that's only because I have a separate acne wash for my face and shoulders, an exfoliator for my arms (I have a skin condition called kp), shampoo, conditioner (which I leave in for 5 minutes) and a light soap for the rest of my body. It seems like a lot but it's the only way I can keep my skin clear. Not that you really needed to know my shower routine...
Get out of here fish 13 comments
· 10 years ago
personally I love getting things in my eye. Nothing like a scratched up cornea!
Queueueueueueu 2 comments
An actual hotel room in France 14 comments
Even in death he is still making me laugh 6 comments
need this cake in my life *-* 6 comments
· 10 years ago
That's what I always wonder about cakes on those baking shows. Sure they look good but all that fondant probably tastes like crap.
Incredible scrap metal hulk sculpture 6 comments
Even in death he is still making me laugh 6 comments
· 10 years ago
I've never been one to get upset at celebrity deaths but his really shook me. I actually cried over it. I think it's because his work had such a huge impact on my childhood and seeing him go like that broke my heart. Although the thing is; the response to his death should show people contemplating suicide that they are important and people really do care.
On their way to work 2 comments
Heights of characters 31 comments
· 10 years ago
wait are we talking actors because the character Gimli is definitely NOT 6'1"
ST 34 comments
· 10 years ago
Skittles I couldn't said it better myself! I'm glad you guys agree and aren't just shooting me down. That tends to happen when I bring my beliefs up from both atheists and and christians. I don't understand why people can't just find a common ground.
The elevator that has no door and never stops moving. 9 comments
· 10 years ago
wait so could you just stay in one and ride it around in circles for hours?