Maddy Krebs


— Maddy Krebs Report User
Pope francis 15 comments
madz2013 · 10 years ago
I'm convinced that he realized how messed up the catholic church had gotten so he's slowly trying to fix it
How I feel like after a Sunday Roast 11 comments
madz2013 · 10 years ago
She probably has worms
Entertainment back then 29 comments
madz2013 · 10 years ago
I did this to my nose once because I heard it clears out pores.
Zuko 14 comments
madz2013 · 10 years ago
My favorite part of the series is when they join together to take down his sister.
Hopefully this will happen to me $205 million later 9 comments
madz2013 · 10 years ago
Here's the thing about this comparison obviously he got his teeth fixed and a better hair cut, but the picture at the bottom is professionally done where as the top are candid shots. Very few people look good in candid shots. Side note: he looks kind of like Dave Franco
7 · Edited 10 years ago
Not really a cat person 15 comments
madz2013 · 10 years ago
My cat used to chase and bite my sister if we were ever fighting
Puss in boots exists! 8 comments
madz2013 · 10 years ago
Your cat is almost cuter
I recently just let go of my teen years and it suxx 4 comments
madz2013 · 10 years ago
I'm about to turn 20 and I'm scared
Eddie Redmayne should win the Oscar for the best Actor this year, his 19 comments
madz2013 · 10 years ago
What is the deal with all these unfinished titles I keep seeing?
Whenever I turn on my phone or laptop in the middle of the night 6 comments
madz2013 · 10 years ago
opening your blackout curtains in the morning
Me too vending machine, me too 4 comments
madz2013 · 10 years ago
There was a coffee machine at my work with a note on it that said "Broken on the inside". I wanted to give it a hug.
This cat looks like it is wearing the fur of its enemies 15 comments
madz2013 · 10 years ago
This is clearly a rich person's house, the ridiculously fancy cat, and all that intense wood work and art in the background.
1 · Edited 10 years ago
The "shadow" of a Hiroshima victim, permanently etched 21 comments
madz2013 · 10 years ago
It's even sadder that it looks like they were using a cane :/
That is really tiny 7 comments
madz2013 · 10 years ago
looks like their whole living room is tiny
I would so read a book about this 9 comments
madz2013 · 10 years ago
Sounds more like dissociative Identity disorder. Schizophrenia is seeing things that aren't there or voices, DID is when you have multiple personalities.
Christmas lost its magic 13 comments
madz2013 · 10 years ago
It was never even about the presents it was just the feeling of everyone you loved being there to celebrate.
Billions upon billions 18 comments
madz2013 · 10 years ago
size is not synonymous with importance. Every life matters and has a purpose.
The cat undoubtedly hated it. It's wearing an expression of bitter 11 comments
madz2013 · 10 years ago
Why would you do this?
What I wore to see The Hobbit 25 comments
madz2013 · 10 years ago
But it's all $80 or more
Who needs feeding? 19 comments
madz2013 · 10 years ago
I still play with my Nintendogs...
Anime food looks better than real food 9 comments
madz2013 · 10 years ago
Me too, I always got so hungry watching that movie
Still waiting for that plot twist . . . 10 comments
madz2013 · 10 years ago
That happened to someone I knew in high school, she was always kindof awkward looking and suddenly I saw her the other day and DAYUM
"Accident" 23 comments
madz2013 · 10 years ago
I know I was referring to the amount of downvotes my comment got
Celebrity Pokemon Evolutions 23 comments
madz2013 · 10 years ago
Ok after revisiting this post and realizing how many people are being hateful toward those who like Bieber and Niki Minaj etc, I'm shocked. Just because someone doesn't like the same music as you doesn't give you the right to tell them to kill themselves, and to make matters worse the hateful responses have multiple upvotes! You guys need to learn that sometimes people like pop music and that's ok. We need to embrace our differences.