The first psychologist problem 12 comments
· 10 years ago
Knowing the reason why someone does something doesn't justify their actions, but it can help professionals give people the help they need to no longer take those actions.
Edited 10 years ago
Are you serious with this? 10 comments
Well I was sufficiently creeped out by this 36 comments
· 10 years ago
I understand he wants friends but that's just the wrong way to go about it, you can't see someone and hunt them down on facebook and just think they're gonna be ok with that.
Become someone greater 12 comments
Well someone is doing things right. 4 comments
It's not that easy! 7 comments
· 10 years ago
I work at a nursing home and you get used to just kind of walking away. As rude as that sounds they usually understand. I usually try to talk if I can but sometimes with my job things can be very time sensitive and I don't have time to have a ten minute conversation with every resident.
Edited 10 years ago
Broken heart 10 comments
Or , anywhere else for that matter 6 comments
I wish 14 comments
· 10 years ago
I know not everyone on this site is spiritual but the people who have commented saying that they lost someone, you guys are in my thoughts and prayers. I can't imagine how hard it must be to lose a parent. Stay strong.
When my attractive friends give me girl advice 10 comments
500 days of summer :( 12 comments
· 10 years ago
Everyone could relate to his heart break but at the same time it's not her fault she no longer had feelings for him, you can't force yourself to love someone.
My sad life 10 comments
I've never noticed this before... lol 3 comments
· 10 years ago
I seriously thought safe haven and the notebook were the same dvd for a second.
But then she gives you those puppy eyes 7 comments
I guess some peoples names are more "exotic" than mine 46 comments
· 10 years ago
My name is Maddy and yet I have that problem all the time. My real name is Madelyn and that's even worse.