

I am burdened with glorious purses.

— LowKeyLaufeyson Report User
"#HoorayForB*obies" 7 comments
lowkeylaufeyson · 9 years ago
I'm still waiting... 18 comments
lowkeylaufeyson · 9 years ago
For celebrities 'puberty' and 'massive amounts of plastic surgery' are interchangeable.
I didn't know jurassic park was open for business again 8 comments
lowkeylaufeyson · 9 years ago
Nature ain't fucking around.
Motivational Mondays #9 - Life and Donuts 23 comments
lowkeylaufeyson · 9 years ago
And there's food, which is the best part.
Going to do that more now 32 comments
lowkeylaufeyson · 10 years ago
I don't mind it when people stare, but when they catcall I get scared because human interaction is not something I'm good at.
CNN Student News be like 10 comments
lowkeylaufeyson · 10 years ago
Dad jokes be like...
Happy National Coming Out Day! 15 comments
lowkeylaufeyson · 10 years ago
Wouldn't it make more sense for National Coming Out Day to be during Gay Pride month? They're like 3 months apart right now.
I HGAVE TOE SAVE TEhe priNCESS 13 comments
lowkeylaufeyson · 10 years ago
I'm laughing so fucking hard I can't breath, like jfc
Tennant does it better than you 10 comments
lowkeylaufeyson · 10 years ago
Excellent form 10/10
The truest words I've ever seen 7 comments
lowkeylaufeyson · 10 years ago
You must own a lot of sex toys then.
You go girl 9 comments
lowkeylaufeyson · 10 years ago
I understand what you're saying and I do kind of agree with you, but you have to keep in mind who she's talking about. Now I'm not saying the dude deserves to die, but Justin Bieber has become a complete asshat and the fact that she recognizes that is good. It's good that she understands that he's a bad person and she doesn't just obsess over him because she thinks he's cute. Now should she be saying she wants to kill him? No, not at all, that's a terrible thing for anyone to say. But it is good that she is able to recognize that he is a bad person. Now at this point if I were her parents I'd say something like, "Honey you shouldn't say you want to kill someone because killing is bad. You can say you don't like someone or that you think they're a bad person, but not that you want to kill them."
But that's just me.
Modern day rappers 7 comments
lowkeylaufeyson · 10 years ago
It took me a minute to realize what they meant.
Poke it real good 16 comments
lowkeylaufeyson · 10 years ago
New uses for the iphone 6 15 comments
lowkeylaufeyson · 10 years ago
Oh, and by the way, to say you could 'careless' about something means you do care about it. I believe the phrase you're looking for is, "I couldn't care less." With a space between 'care' and 'less' because in this instance they're two separate words. You're welcome.
New uses for the iphone 6 15 comments
lowkeylaufeyson · 10 years ago
Oh yeah, because the phone easily being bent entirely in half is "minor bending." And I literally only used the word 'fact' one time. I'm not basing my information on internet hearsay, I'm basing it on actual research that I've done because I was interested in the issue. And I said 'they' because I didn't feel like using MLA citation to show where I've gotten my information from. I was just generally saying 'they' to refer to the different websites and such I looked at. And I think it's funny how I'm apparently the moron when you can't even have a civilized debate to prove your point. It's called 'ad hominem', hun. Look it up.
Texas shaped sunset in Texas 16 comments
lowkeylaufeyson · 10 years ago
Houston. We're a melting pot. There are too many goddamn people in this city.
New uses for the iphone 6 15 comments
lowkeylaufeyson · 10 years ago
It's the fact that the phone will easily bend if you only use a little pressure. They've done comparisons where they bend the Iphone 6 and then try to bend a Samsung Galaxy. The Iphone bends in half with little effort while the Galaxy doesn't bend at all even with a lot of pressure. You shouldn't have to worry about your phone bending when you put it in your pocket.
New uses for the iphone 6 15 comments
lowkeylaufeyson · 10 years ago
Not with that protruding camera they don't.
Texas shaped sunset in Texas 16 comments
lowkeylaufeyson · 10 years ago
A lot of Texans where I live look like that.
Texas shaped sunset in Texas 16 comments
lowkeylaufeyson · 10 years ago
I'm Texan too and I look nothing like that either, but most other Texans do. And no one said anything about horses. If anything I would picture him in an electric wheelchair. I wouldn't want to put an overweight man on a horse for fear of hurting the horse.
Checkin' on bae 15 comments
lowkeylaufeyson · 10 years ago
And "mama" in spanish means like suckling or something while in english it means mother. Words mean different things in different languages.
#sexy free and satanist 15 comments
lowkeylaufeyson · 10 years ago
I think it was supposed to have commas, guest. Like #sexy, free, and satanist
Texas shaped sunset in Texas 16 comments
lowkeylaufeyson · 10 years ago
No, it'll be the most Texan picture to exist.
God help you 26 comments
lowkeylaufeyson · 10 years ago
Oh, because arguing with strangers on the internet make you soooo much more mature.
3rd world countries be like 9 comments
lowkeylaufeyson · 10 years ago
Or maybe because people only seem to care about an issue or disease when it affects white people.