I walked 5km for a weedle!? 5 comments
· 8 years ago
I walked 2 and got a magikarp... All I get where I live are bloody rattatas, pidgeys, weedle, and the ocassional venonat. I have basically nowhere to find more of those fuckers to evolve one.
Just a Block Game 14 comments
Loud, Crazy, Shootings and Packing Some Serious Heat 23 comments
· 8 years ago
I live in the Dallas-Forth Worth area, literally no one gives a damn about it.
The other day a gay couple was at a chinese restaurant doing couple-y things and no one bat an eye.
I have a classmate that is lesbian and has a wife, and I have another one that is bisexual; no one cares... a coworker once told me she was pansexual, and another one would comment about his boyfriend like it was nothing.... even my manager would mention how he loved spending his free time with his.
The other day a gay couple was at a chinese restaurant doing couple-y things and no one bat an eye.
I have a classmate that is lesbian and has a wife, and I have another one that is bisexual; no one cares... a coworker once told me she was pansexual, and another one would comment about his boyfriend like it was nothing.... even my manager would mention how he loved spending his free time with his.
No sl*t shaming allowed! 20 comments
· 8 years ago
Neither have I. I didn't even know Five Guys was a thing until I stumbled upon a buzzfeed video.
Can't imagine... 33 comments
· 8 years ago
In retrospective though, it's not like I have a stellar personality nor do I put too much effort into dressing up.
In retrospective though, it's not like I have a stellar personality nor do I put too much effort into dressing up.
Well that's the first time I've seen the phrase "boy p*ssy" 38 comments
· 8 years ago
Oh, don't worry about it; I used to read a lot of those (haven't had the time to even read the normal ones in a while, college/university does that to you), but I never came across a phrase similar to that.
Well that's the first time I've seen the phrase "boy p*ssy" 38 comments
· 8 years ago
Oh, happy birthday! (mine is in a couple of days too, though I'm waaay older than you).
@tehimpala I feel the need to repeat myself once more: wtf kinda manga are you reading. Oh well, don't worry, I just find it hilarious
@tehimpala I feel the need to repeat myself once more: wtf kinda manga are you reading. Oh well, don't worry, I just find it hilarious
Well that's the first time I've seen the phrase "boy p*ssy" 38 comments
· 8 years ago
No, but really, wtf are you reading because I've never seen that either (and I used to stalk the sex/love pistols fandom a while ago, the amount of shit I saw there was... concerning at points)
No, but really, wtf are you reading because I've never seen that either (and I used to stalk the sex/love pistols fandom a while ago, the amount of shit I saw there was... concerning at points)
I wish I were so smooth 4 comments
· 8 years ago
You send me a text at 6 fucking in the morning and you wake me up and I'll make a scarf out of your entrails.
Why aren't millennials buying diamonds? 15 comments
· 8 years ago
Diamonds are overrated. Even if I had the money I would still go for a more interesting mineral/gemstone. Sure they might be the hardest, but oh so so brittle.
Novel of the century 48 comments
Novel of the century 48 comments
· 8 years ago
*snorts* I bet aromantics and asexuals can write better porn than this... and probably a hella more credible too.
Novel of the century 48 comments
· 8 years ago
... Was this written by a 13 year old? Someone thought it was a good idea to publish it?! And the lost baffling one was that people bought it and some loved it.
Comment one thing you love about yourself - (I love that I forgive people easily) 73 comments
· 8 years ago
Not the things you've mentioned for sure. Though a friend tends to say I take good care of them when they are drunk, so there's that.
It seems that a lot of people don't understand the difference 23 comments
· 8 years ago
*central americans meanwhile watch how they get lumped with the south by many people while they will gladly correct everyone in their way that no. WE. ARE. NOT. FUCKING. SOUTH. AMERICAN!*