Comment one thing you love about yourself - (I love that I forgive people easily) 73 comments
· 8 years ago
I have nothing, it's a wonder how I even have friends.
Most famous brand each state has created 21 comments
· 8 years ago
Texan here, worked at a couple of restaurants, Dr. Pepper was the thing the manager had to ask extra of because it was always running out. Even freaking Dr. Pepper Diet, since apparently very few restaurant have it (or so the costumers said).
y 14 comments
· 8 years ago
Mine is working more or less fine... except my avatar is, for some reason, invisible right now. The only funny thing, though, is that most pokestops near me take me through or to the nearby cemetery.
I do this all the time 15 comments
· 8 years ago
I live in a house with my mom, and it's always been some sort of dream of mine to paint the walls with some design of my choosing. Mostly a tree yggdrasil style or some anime, but I doubt it will ever happen.
Me irl 40 comments
· 8 years ago
I have a problem with crowds too... It's not the people per se, it's more of all the noise they are making, though some days it bothers me more than others, and I have been known to disappear every now and then, because I just needed to get away from all that.
The first letter of your first and last name... 145 comments
Stages of friendship 7 comments
Stages of friendship 7 comments
· 8 years ago
Stage 7: your mother called me and invited me to your family trip. She says hi, by the way.
This hit me hard 25 comments
What would yours say? 59 comments
· 8 years ago
Warning: highly sarcastic, with dark humor, and prone to hissing like a cat. Do not take outside unless you have a very good reason.
I would, would you too? 37 comments
· 8 years ago
I would give up anything if it meant my dog could live another day with no troubles.
Cause Freedom 17 comments
· 8 years ago
Duuuuude, where I live the fireworks have been going off since about 4PM with short intervals of silence...
Security cameras 4 comments
· 8 years ago
The one in china looks like a street I drive by... And I live in America.
Once my mom and I played a game called "how many cameras can we detect in this intersection"... The answer was 18.
Once my mom and I played a game called "how many cameras can we detect in this intersection"... The answer was 18.
YES >_< 8 comments
· 8 years ago
Hahahahaha. Well... Thanks for the smile and for almost making me spit my coffee.
YES >_< 8 comments
What is with all the hate for this movie? 39 comments
It's actually a really cute haircut tho 26 comments
· 8 years ago
You make it sound as if I actually watched all 3 abominations. Or that I actually finished 1. Between that shit and school days.... I'll watch school days