That red spot is bangladesh and a couple of indian states 13 comments
· 8 years ago
... There's no way Dallas has 9mil. I think the guy might have been referring to the 'Metroplex' area which is made up of several cities. Dallas-Fort Worth area is also acceptable. Also, recent data shows an estimate of nearly 7 mil. Just to clarify. No way we have 9mil. That might number might belong to NY
Goals 2 comments
· 8 years ago
I'm the female version of the guy at the bact whenever I take my phone out and decide to surf the web.
Education cuts aftermath 12 comments
· 8 years ago
I have seen people driving with a huuuuuge confederate flag tied to the back of their trucks around DFW.
My Facebook feeds as a 28-year-old 16 comments
The most ridiculous death possible. Stabbed pinkie? 126 comments
This is a cake 14 comments
· 8 years ago
FYI my birthday is in july. If someone here wants to bake this for me you are more than welcome.
Shake earring 8 comments
· 8 years ago
This could have gone to "daily dose of nope"
I like the snake, where the snake is at? Not so much
Edited 8 years ago
I like the snake, where the snake is at? Not so much
we have to kneel down and if our dress doesn't touch the floor we get a detention 10 comments
· 8 years ago
I work part-time through my university at a high school... from what I've seen, they don't care much what the fuck their students are wearing. I have seen plenty of girls with running shorts walking down the hall, and a couple of others with dresses that could be considered waaay too short if compared to what cumber has posted in the title.
True absolutely true! 20 comments
· 8 years ago
My friends and I sometimes, when we all get together once in a blue moon, we like to play a game we call more or less: 'see how fast can we make the general population uncomfortable.'
Mind you, half of them have boyfriends... who sometimes also get roped into it. It's either going full on lesbian, or polyamorous.
Mind you, half of them have boyfriends... who sometimes also get roped into it. It's either going full on lesbian, or polyamorous.
Well we don't have a choice 13 comments
· 8 years ago
Well, yeah, it's either that or being put in probation, which could probably lead me to being expelled from the university, and being left on standby for a year because that's the penalty... and then giving tons of restrictions because of the abysmal grade.
It's either that or coming to terms that my grades won't get me intro gradschool, even if my GRE score might be amazing... or that professors will be hesitant to take me under their wings because of said grades.
My previous major made my life hell, totally not worthy and so I switched to something I actually found out I enjoyed doing/studying. Still have to work my ass off, don't get me wrong, but at least this time it doesn't feel as if my overall health is going down the drain.
It's either that or coming to terms that my grades won't get me intro gradschool, even if my GRE score might be amazing... or that professors will be hesitant to take me under their wings because of said grades.
My previous major made my life hell, totally not worthy and so I switched to something I actually found out I enjoyed doing/studying. Still have to work my ass off, don't get me wrong, but at least this time it doesn't feel as if my overall health is going down the drain.
Average temp is around 96F (38C) in summer 24 comments
Art and artist interaction 8 comments
Me and I bet other people on here can relate 3 comments
That's how you earn money 9 comments
financially stable makes me happy 7 comments
· 8 years ago
It pays for my insurance, which in turns pays for my little trips to the nice doctor that gives me pills that stop me from feeling absolute and utter crap, and some others to keep my anxiety in check, which is pretty close to me.
Orlando Bloom 6 comments
9 Artists Take Photo Realistic Embroidery To The Next Level 9 comments
· 8 years ago
My wrist hurts just by looking at the last two. Oh the other hand, that is bloody amazing.
Definitely the best catwoman so far 11 comments
I'd call it the accordion camper 2 comments
Who is going tomorrow? 22 comments
· 8 years ago
I would if I had the money, someone to go with, and less shit to do. Whyyyyyy must it come out just before my finals, where the professors don't seem to grasp the concept of dead week... then again it's kinda my fault for enrolling in research based classes that are for both, grads and undergrads