Yesyesyes 13 comments
· 11 years ago
oh. 32 comments
· 11 years ago
Never had a crush. Everyone I ever went to school with were imature and not very appealing to me.
This Boy Is My Hero..... 17 comments
· 11 years ago
It really depends how old you are. If you're a 13 year old girl showing cleavage, in my book, would be extremely inapropriate.
They're Mine. I Can Use Them For Good Or Evil..... 31 comments
· 11 years ago
Some places in Saudi Arabia do that, I heard. It's very ignorant. The prince can go to a club, pick any girl he wants, rape her, and nothing will happen to him. I hate the kings and queens of that country. Their daughters can be whores and wear the sluttiest things, but when a woman goes out wearing a short sleeved shirt, she's punished (in some parts). I hope one day Saudi Arabia gets itself together because Muslims go there for hajj, and I don't want to be there when i know that the prince, or any man, can rape me and most likely won't get punished if he says he was "punishing me". I totally agree with you and some people wear it because their husbands force them to. In my moms case my dad could care less if she wore it or not. Infact, he'd prefer her to take it off. But she is definitely not going to take it off.
They're Mine. I Can Use Them For Good Or Evil..... 31 comments
· 11 years ago
My mom wears a head scarf because she wants to, she wasn't forced into it. She dresses how she feels comfortable in public. She likes to cover up, because she doesn't want to receive attention from men. But it's how SHE feels comfortable. I personally don't wear a headscarf and it's beginning to become meaningless in the Middle East because most people wear tight fitting clothes with it. And people don't go to a "burka", they wear it. My aunt wears it in public because she's old and religious and that's how she feels comfortable in front of men she
isn't related to. Middle eastern countries don't force a woman to wear a headscarf or dresses to their ankles. Some Muslim women wear a head scarf, some don't. I personally believe that Saudi Arabia has the least freedom in the world. Women aren't allowed to drive and so on. But that's Saudi Arabia, not all of the Middle East. Have you ever been to the Middle East?
isn't related to. Middle eastern countries don't force a woman to wear a headscarf or dresses to their ankles. Some Muslim women wear a head scarf, some don't. I personally believe that Saudi Arabia has the least freedom in the world. Women aren't allowed to drive and so on. But that's Saudi Arabia, not all of the Middle East. Have you ever been to the Middle East?
I would do anything 11 comments
Inflatable lawn tent. Just imagine laying in it when it's raining.. 12 comments
· 11 years ago you guys. There's a whole bunch of them. Let's buy one and party in it.
Edited 11 years ago
Peter Pan Was My First Hero.... 21 comments
· 11 years ago
THE END KIDS! Question time!
What did you like most about the story?
Edited 11 years ago
What did you like most about the story?
peaceful lunch with friends? nope, none o' that. 23 comments