

— LindsMolinari Report User
She also killed any male sailer under her that rape female prisoners 3 comments
lindsmolinari · 3 years ago
guess she fucked the right people ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Some sports are better than others 15 comments
lindsmolinari · 3 years ago
the human organ trafficking was an exaggerated example used to make a point which i believe i have made except y'all didn't want to hear it because it's scary and uncomfortable. which is understanable but also maybe don't get into debates that go over your head then?
PS: anyone attempting to counter with the ol’ “but people are corrupted and would never”, i’m sure it would be very hard to set up a fair-er system tha would redistribute some wealth away from the 1% but it’s ALL THE HARDER because of ignorant people like some of you here who are actively defending a rich, immoral cunt who could afford to pay for 500 trophy hunts and supposedly has a house as obnoxiously big as to fit a whole giraffe skin rug in one room… beside the remaining 499, i suppose. meditate on that a little and you may just realise you are spitting in your own bowl. unless we have some multibillionaires using funsubstance, of course, and they have decided to quarrel with me about a dead giraffe.
· Edited 3 years ago
Some sports are better than others 15 comments
lindsmolinari · 3 years ago
For the record, i don't care if the giraffe in question was instead a fish or related to Bambi or if it got eaten by its natural predators in a very gruesome way because that would all fit nicely within it's natural habitat, ecosystem, chain of predation, etc. What DOESN’T belong in the natural order of things are rich psychopats with rifles hunting for fun being praised for their stupid hobbies because they supposedly dropped 2000 quid in some poor African village. It kinda follows one should therefore be against it.
in this particular case, since Africa is full of diamond mines and shit like that, the owners of those mines who are currently hoarding immense wealth and using it to, for all I know, finance their sports hunt of reindeer in finland, should be taxed according to their wealth and their money should go straight back to helping the poor starving farmers via ideally fair, transparent and regulated channels. I imagine it would do immensely more good that the 2000 giraffe quid.
Some sports are better than others 15 comments
lindsmolinari · 3 years ago
it doesn't seem any of y'all read my comment very thoroughly. i argued against the absolutely ridiculous argument made by some of you and the rich bitch herself that hunting wild animals for sport is in any way decent despite the money that it pours into "poor local farmers". the massive inequality that exists in the world cannot possibly be dealt with by arguing that rich people paying for their obnoxious hobbies are doing something good for anyone, least of all “poor farmers” anywhere. rich people SHOULD BE TAXED INTO OBLIVION until they can’t afford paying for unnecessary stupid shit because their unfairly earned money has been buying food and housing for the poor masses. …or they could be guillotined and their money distributed back to the community, whichever you prefer. personally, I know what I like best but some of y’all here are strongly against natural ways of dying and suffering, so …
Some sports are better than others 15 comments
lindsmolinari · 3 years ago
i'm sorry, do you hear yourself? i said we should work towards less inequality in the world and less starving farmers by taxing the filthy rich (which i assume a person who supposedly paid to shoot 500 wild animals in the past 25 years is one of). you must've made a serious detour to arrive to stealing and coercion.
Some sports are better than others 15 comments
lindsmolinari · 3 years ago
you may need to meditate on the difference between 'legal' and 'right'
disgustingly rich people should be taxed as hell and that should go back to local communities everywhere. there should be no cut-out giraffe hearts involved in the process of this transfer.
Some sports are better than others 15 comments
lindsmolinari · 3 years ago
do you fucking see where this is going? you can't let rich pigs have everything they want because they paid for it and the money went to the local communities. ever heard of the black market organ sales? money definitely goes to local poor communities but is it right? is this the world you wanna live in? most of us regular mortals are one personal calamity away from being poor and possibly homeless; some tragic bad luck and you might be able to sell your kidney to some rich fuck just to get the money to feed yourself and your kids. how would you like that?
allowing people like this disgusting bitch to trade money for lives is abhorrent. that fucking giraffe, as part of the world's wildlife, was as much yours and mine as anybody's and they had no right to sell it to be offed for fun in the first place. that alone should be enough to piss you off, let alone the message that it sends how anything can be massacred if there's enough money sprinkled back to the »local communities«.
Some sports are better than others 15 comments
lindsmolinari · 3 years ago
alright y'all »contributing to local farmers«/»she paid to hunt and kill the giraffe fair and square« : since people are as far removed from an endangered species as possible, how would you feel if some rich asshole paid a nifty sum to hunt and kill YOU personally for sport? i bet you'd be delighted on account of supporting local businesses and giving back to community, right?
hunting and killing for sport should not be allowed, no matter the money involved. it sends the wrong fucking message.
okay so they allowed her to massacre a giraffe because it's not such an endangered species. next time someone will want to off a bengali tiger or some shit and offer an even bigger sum, i'm sure someone will find a way to circumvent rules or straight up break any number of laws to get them a super endangered specimen to fill with lead. finally we'll end up with these people financing conservational programs for species on the brink of extinction so they will be able to buy one and kill it.
· Edited 3 years ago
We're with you Johnny 12 comments
lindsmolinari · 5 years ago
ol' johnny there got himself a proper Gone Girl, didn't he ... :D
Artist Reimagines dogs as RPG classes 40 comments
lindsmolinari · 6 years ago
okay look there's only as much as i can do to try and instill some sense into you, not being your mother and all but seriously: before you get any sort of a new dog, do some research and make sure you raise it right. take it to some dog school and generally make sure you don't bring up an anxiety-ridden, disobedient animal. it will be dangerous both to you and innocent people around you.
dogs are NOT toys for you to push to limits and see what they're capable off. you seem like someone who would like to see your dog mauling something while blood and bones fly around and, well, that tends to get dangerous at some point. ever considered taking up a job at the butcher's? you could put your passions to some good use there, perhaps?
Advice from various marriage-therapist/relationship surveys/studies. See comments for 47 comments
lindsmolinari · 6 years ago
what i find the hardest is to balance on one side the awareness of my own worth as a pretty empathic, thoughful, emotionally sane person and on the other side the fact that i also am only human with flaws and issues which make me, too, difficult to live with. on one side i feel i /deserve/ someone equally "terrific" and advanced as myseld while on the other i feel like i'm not entitled to be so demanding because i am, just like everyone else, a pretty miserable companion with a lot of negative traits.
so i'm stuck wondering "do i deserve better or should i /settle/ for less-than-ideal as i am not some great catch either"?
so sorry i got you into this highly philosophical debate, i realise it's kind of hard to reply anything remotely satisfying or relevant to questions like these. although, to be honest, you're doing really well in that regard so far.
Advice from various marriage-therapist/relationship surveys/studies. See comments for 47 comments
lindsmolinari · 6 years ago
so basically, if i got it right, you feel that the people with above average level of emotional intelligence are left two options: suffer quietly in their own alienation or make an effort to try and help the less emotionally intelligent (adults) to gain more insight, however painful and frustrating that process might be. that about right? C:
it's probably true, even. i'm perhaps just too harsh, demanding and selfish to be prepared to agree to this philosophy. maybe i just haven't experienced enough kindness from my peers while growing up to develop sympathy and ability to forgive incompetence. don't they say most of our flaws as adults stems from wonky childhoods?
Artist Reimagines dogs as RPG classes 40 comments
lindsmolinari · 6 years ago
just a note from someone who knows a lil bit about these dogs: they're not for first time dog owners as they are a very demanding breed and require a lot of dog-handling knowledge to raise them properly. they are much more than a scary-looking fashion accessory you can tell to rip people's throaths out.
just the thought that one would want to have a dog simply because of its violent potential is freaking scary and unhealthy.
if you want to enjoy dog breeds just for their beauty/dangerous looks i reccomend googling pictures and/or going to dog shows and other events where you can get a closer look, talk to the owners, etc.
Furry tacky thirsty Mink 5 comments
lindsmolinari · 6 years ago
nice hair tho :D
The pettiness always makes me laugh (so I made a petty meme about it) 17 comments
lindsmolinari · 6 years ago
yes i understand it was meant as joke but there's the catch: it's not funny, it's terrifying. that's what i was saying. as for you active life, i am glad to hear it! would absolutely hate you to be counting upvotes on your funsubstance comments every day and i mean this genuinely, no sarcasm involved.
Advice from various marriage-therapist/relationship surveys/studies. See comments for 47 comments
lindsmolinari · 6 years ago
as for partnerts, nobody will be perfectly happy with anyone because we are all deeply flawed and irritable human beings but i feel it's important to find someone mature enough who understands this and is willing to devote themselves to the relationship to the same level as me, so that both sides take an effort to making it work. people who don't know/ want to learn how to communicate, make allowances, forgive, have productive falling outs etc, people who don't even know themselves enough to know how to live /alone/, they don't cut it. i don't want to spend decades on raising someone who should be a fully functional adult to start with, i don't care how good they look or how much money they have, hoenstly. people might even love you deeply and still be horrible long-term partners and as heartbreaking as it is, it's better to go separate ways than trying to twist and mould them into something you think they should be. changing people is a cruel and ungrateful process that rarely works.
Advice from various marriage-therapist/relationship surveys/studies. See comments for 47 comments
lindsmolinari · 6 years ago
@jasonmon i think that's an interesting take, having too many choices and the spoiling effect that might have on dating and finding a compatible partner. thanks for the book recc!
@guest_ this might come off as very primitive but i have always hated the social politesse and 'how are you's being thrown around solely as a way of satisfying social rituals. you could say i begrudge the entire society who even invented this. :P i've never asked someone how they were feeling if i didn't genuinely want to know. but that's purely my quirk and i realise i shouldn't judge others too harshly who don't feel about this the same way i do. i just take an instant liking to those people who answer thruthfully and who listen carefully to my reply (which is honestly almost never 'fine').
Advice from various marriage-therapist/relationship surveys/studies. See comments for 47 comments
lindsmolinari · 6 years ago
i don't think it's necessary to understand some deep philosophical truths about life to be able to care about people and take a genuine interest into what's in their hearts. i believe it has to with courage and mostly, with an actual desire to truly know someone. that's why it's so frustrating for me to deal with individuals who want to keep everything shallow and trivial. they're NOT incapable of interst and curiosity and compassion, those are children's traits, we all have some in us even as adults. they just refuse to care or something?? they'd travel the world to 'find themselves' and scroll through miles of facebook pages to learn every itty bit of someone's 'interests' but they twitch uncomfortably if one replies to 'how are you' with anything other than 'fine thanks'. i feel we should take more interest in people's feelings, thoughts and vulnerabilities instead of where they've been vacationing. it's /not/ that hard.
1 · Edited 6 years ago
Advice from various marriage-therapist/relationship surveys/studies. See comments for 47 comments
lindsmolinari · 6 years ago
thanks for the kind words and encouragement! i feel similarly regarding the "high" standards in life but i have been told repeteady that i've allowed them to get too high and thus will never find happiness (or people to meet them) so it would be better to just accept that the world is shite and people are what they are and move on. i however refuse to. when someone makes an effort to try to understand you and really sees you, the good and the bad and still cherishes you, that's a really glorious feeling. however rare or brief these moments are, i think they're worth it. it might come at a price of being alone or lonely for certain periods of time, but i'll still make that deal. the only feeling worst than being lonely on your own is being lonely with people close to you. so i guess i'll stick to my standards, high as they might be and if i get lucky, i will. if not, at least i'll be miserable because i wouldn't live on other people's terms and settle for less. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The pettiness always makes me laugh (so I made a petty meme about it) 17 comments
lindsmolinari · 6 years ago
yea suspicious of there being such a level of pettiness on both sides that is basically unlivable. get a life!
So nerve-wracking 8 comments
lindsmolinari · 6 years ago
you can achieve the same effect if stand up stark bollock naked
Advice from various marriage-therapist/relationship surveys/studies. See comments for 47 comments
lindsmolinari · 6 years ago
only stumbled upon your reply now, sincere apologies for the delay. i felt i really had to reply to thank you because, well, it means a lot to hear such praise, even if it is only from a stranger on the internet. it took me a while (e.g. long years od disappointment and personal growth) to get such a /wise/ view on relationships and stuff and i'm pretty proud of it too, frankly. it's also very frustrating as a lot of people (my age. and older. and younger. *sigh*) don't see these things the same way so it's hard to ... it's hard to find someone to love and be loved back properly (even if just platonicaly, maintaining good friendships is an ordeal). it's even hard to discuss other people's relationships as they tend to have obnoxiously biased views on the flaws and just won't listen to reason (ie, me. ^^). i feel really alone as a result, sometimes.
anyway, i'm really glad we've had this exchange. (putting it more childishly: you made my lil cold heart happy for a moment there. :D)
The pettiness always makes me laugh (so I made a petty meme about it) 17 comments
lindsmolinari · 6 years ago
the thought that anyone would be acutely away of the current number of likes on /all/ of their comments on funsubstance is honestly horrifying
So nerve-wracking 8 comments
lindsmolinari · 6 years ago
always do that yourself. assert dominance by taking a deep breath and then releasing it as your classmates keep chattering. clear your throat twice and when that fails, say in slightly higher volume: 'do you mind?!'
i guarantee you that you'll be the sole center of attention for at least the next minute as the whole class glares at you in gravely silence. i tested it out!
trannies 9 comments
lindsmolinari · 6 years ago
shouldnt this be like.. child abuse or sth??