when senpai finally notice you <3 1 comments
· 6 years ago
i want one like this one. fluffy lil ginger chubbs.
Is she serious? 10 comments
· 6 years ago
excremental lube is something that might exist, you never know how kinky people can be but, dude, ... dude. /dude/. run of the mill anal sex doesn't involve that kind of thing. like... i'm not honestly so sure y'all know how butts work. i'll put it this way: way less actual feces in the anal canal as you'd expect. google it up. or stick a finger up your bum, honestly, i won't judge.
@cakelover, yer right except lemme add for the sake of clarity that enjoyment also greatly depends on WHO is doing the thing right. y'know.
@cakelover, yer right except lemme add for the sake of clarity that enjoyment also greatly depends on WHO is doing the thing right. y'know.
Epic makeup skills 29 comments
· 6 years ago
dude... what!? to the regular person paying the regular amount of attention the first three pictures look like a regular girl taking a bunch of selfies. she's even got the nails done for fuck's sake! don't you play special snowflake here, trash-talking these person's make-up skills just so you can feel like you're better than all of us morons, gawking like fools at the last pic.
Is she serious? 10 comments
· 6 years ago
i suspect this has a lot to do with the fact that there aren't many (heterosexual) men out there who know how to perform that properly...
I definitely am where I should be 5 comments
· 6 years ago
it's ridiculous how damaging comparing yourself to others is. especailly when social media with all the pretty perfect pitures is involved ....
Picking up girls on Facebook 9 comments
· 6 years ago
this migth seem funny but it's actually fucked up and majorly annoying. the rape one is downright scary.
Rather accurate 4 comments
· 6 years ago
i'm a 20 somthing girl and there is nothing i hate more than dating apps. or online chat. or anything that doesn't allow me to interact with the person i'm trying to gauge face to face.
on the other hand, meeting strangers can be dangerous if you're a woman. especially if they're men. /especially/ if they're men you know nothing about except what they said about themselves in a /dating app/.
on the other hand, meeting strangers can be dangerous if you're a woman. especially if they're men. /especially/ if they're men you know nothing about except what they said about themselves in a /dating app/.
Birthday cake 6 comments
· 6 years ago
this is truly lovely. happy birthday and big cheers to our dad! quite the chef you got there! excellent looking cake!
This or any kind of baby pictures. Thank you 8 comments
· 6 years ago
not sure if you're aware but people DIED in rooms with swastikas. so far, tasteless wall qutes have yet to claim lives. -.-
also what the fuck is wrong with baby pictures, it's normal to have pictures of your children, what kind of apathethic minimalist aliens don't have pictures of their children???
also what the fuck is wrong with baby pictures, it's normal to have pictures of your children, what kind of apathethic minimalist aliens don't have pictures of their children???
Just a few tips 12 comments
· 6 years ago
some people would steal any kind of pen, pencil or even eraser.
source: i am one of these people. i see an unattended writing utensil left behind, i pocket it faster than a chameleon reels in a fly. it's a circle of life. i've lots many pens to people asking me to borrow one for the test or some shit and then /forgetting/ to return it. they're filthy thieves. having personal experience with borrowing pens; i have never ever fucking forgotten that the pen in my hand belongs to someone else who begrudgingly gave it to me after i've humbly made it obvious i'm one of the morons who don't carry any spare pens on their person at all times.
source: i am one of these people. i see an unattended writing utensil left behind, i pocket it faster than a chameleon reels in a fly. it's a circle of life. i've lots many pens to people asking me to borrow one for the test or some shit and then /forgetting/ to return it. they're filthy thieves. having personal experience with borrowing pens; i have never ever fucking forgotten that the pen in my hand belongs to someone else who begrudgingly gave it to me after i've humbly made it obvious i'm one of the morons who don't carry any spare pens on their person at all times.
Its better to be called a tea drinking fag than a drunk 2 comments
· 6 years ago
since when is drinking tea gay ???????????????????????????????????????
This happen to anyone else? (Sorry this isn't "fun") 15 comments
· 6 years ago
literarly everyone has flaws. everyone. you just gotta find those that don't have fatal flaws and who treat you as kind as you treat them.
Golden Shepherd 1 comments
Fo when you talk to black pipo 9 comments
The truth has been spoken. 5 comments
· 6 years ago
except if you're loved. you can be loved and are worthy of love even if you're not immensells, incredibly, outstandingly good at something. that's kinda the point.
Very detailed 14 comments
· 6 years ago
so i take it y'all know absolutely nothing about horse penises do ya? :P one thing's sure: they do not look like this, in fact, they aren't even attached in such a place.
my guess is someone with too much time of their hands just wanted to make a weird pervy anatomically incorrect plastic horse toy. level of detail ain't got shit to do with it.
my guess is someone with too much time of their hands just wanted to make a weird pervy anatomically incorrect plastic horse toy. level of detail ain't got shit to do with it.
Top ten most alchoholic drinks 21 comments
· 6 years ago
y'all, moonshine has the added benefit of being a bit like russian roulette where methanol is concerned. double the fun, either way! :D
How not to flirt 15 comments
· 6 years ago
this is so intensely cringy it really makes me wonder what's it doing here? it's so awful it could proove as a valid method of contraception...
Some days I just feel petty 7 comments
Zombie outbreak would be short 24 comments
· 6 years ago
do y'all even know how long it takes for a body to rot away ?! there's perfectly well preserved corpses dead for thousands of years lying in some muck or other. we even unearthed some, put them in museums... anway, average decomposition time would definitelly be longer than two days and, depending on the way these so called zombies would strut about, skeleton take months, years even, to decompose... that's provided it sits somewhere moist and warm, with plents of oxygen avaliable. bones are tough stuff. i guess i don't have to bring out dinosaurs to proove that point, do i.
zombies would be a considerable threat that would not rot away in 2 days. thankfully though, the laws of physics are and will continue to keep us safe from such a danger. C:
zombies would be a considerable threat that would not rot away in 2 days. thankfully though, the laws of physics are and will continue to keep us safe from such a danger. C: