I'm guilty of this 59 comments
· 6 years ago
the air movement while compressing the chest does fuck all in terms of reoxygenation because breaths have to be deep enough to exchange the air in alveoli etc etc. still, there's enough oxygen in the blood itself and also the lungs to help oxygenate the brain for a few minutes while the help arrives, that's why cpr is vital.
as for hands, you can always intertwine your fingers and flex them but honestly, touching boobs accidentally really shouldn't be an issue when you're trying to save someone's life.
as for hands, you can always intertwine your fingers and flex them but honestly, touching boobs accidentally really shouldn't be an issue when you're trying to save someone's life.
Shower thoughts 24 comments
I should start doing this 29 comments
· 6 years ago
dude some people actually have shit to do in their lives?? and online chatting with a near stranger somehow doesn't come up as a priority for several consecutive days sometimes?? like sometimes i spent 12+ hours at uni and prioritize eating and sleeping over some flirting, y'know. it's not like they didn't talk for several months or something .christ.
Nature's lamp 7 comments
· 6 years ago
i hate the cunts who write smug presumptious shit and add smileys as if those fucking smileys make them nicer or worth listening to. wish they stuck those smileys up their arseholes. -.-
What does this mean to you? 8 comments
· 6 years ago
pain is relative. waht doesn't kill you might be enough to kill someone else. think it through before you say 'stop whining, i've had worse'.
You should have that looked at 10 comments
· 6 years ago
or she could have psoriasis. not sure how long would a person have to be chronichly anemic would to develop pits in their nails or whatever.
Shrek 10 comments
· 6 years ago
i thought they were making fun out of how lor farquaad is trying so bizzarely hard to make himself seem not-short.
shrek is like 'i'm ugly and i know it now fuck off' while that weirdo is like 'i'm short, i hate it, say i'm tall or i'll have you beheaded'
shrek is like 'i'm ugly and i know it now fuck off' while that weirdo is like 'i'm short, i hate it, say i'm tall or i'll have you beheaded'
So relatable 5 comments
· 6 years ago
once had to watch a video of a mentor's grandchildren running around in mere swimsuits whilst driving in an ambulance and having to cling tightly in order not to be flung somewhere.
The old superwholock 18 comments
· 6 years ago
oh my god, that's what it was called! witch!! oh dear, what nostalgia just washed over me! QuQ
Disney reimagined 22 comments
Blood 10 comments
· 6 years ago
okay but like all of blood is sterile in the healthy human body.... non-sterile blood is called septicaemia and can worses to sepisis and death real fast.
I should start doing this 29 comments
· 6 years ago
it was literarly TOW fucking WEEKs they even knew each other. even if he had to initiate the conversation every single time in these two weeks that means absolutely nothing! maybe he just happened to have more free time, maybe the other person just had two busy weeks or whatever, point is, you don't judge people based on a two week snapchat experience and you definitelly don't break all ties with someone you suppossedly are interested it without even having a discussion. fucking idiots do that, not grown men. christ.
I should start doing this 29 comments
Well, you asked 1 comments
· 6 years ago
well if you ask someone how are they ... why would you get mad if they actually answer genuinely?!? -.-
When you find out your boss is INSANE 19 comments
23 facts about Jackie Chan 6 comments
Can't get any creepier 2 comments
· 6 years ago
tbh if my kid said this i'd insist on holding both their hands and walking around like that.
kids gotta have some fucking sense and if they don't, you gotta help instill some in them not /walk behind them bc they said you cramp their style/. what kind of fucking parenting is this?
kids gotta have some fucking sense and if they don't, you gotta help instill some in them not /walk behind them bc they said you cramp their style/. what kind of fucking parenting is this?
Trapped 6 comments
personally i think it's worse if you're being hugged when you don't want to be hugged than to get a handshake when you were hoping for a hug. christ. grow up.