15+ kids with best hairdos from "crazy hair day" at schools 9 comments
· 7 years ago
you can almost feel the anxiousness and determination of the parents muttering to themselves 'mine will be the best just wait and see honey'
Welcome to debate central 11 comments
· 7 years ago
i can't believe this is real. is it? real? a grown ass person being jelous of a pet cat?
(personally i tihnk he's a keeper bc a) he's got a cat and b) he babytalks to it first thing upon coming home which is coincidentally also what i used to do when i had a cat ..unless my dad was around then i'd first hug dad but cat-petting and asking who's a lil fluffy boy would follow right up.)
(personally i tihnk he's a keeper bc a) he's got a cat and b) he babytalks to it first thing upon coming home which is coincidentally also what i used to do when i had a cat ..unless my dad was around then i'd first hug dad but cat-petting and asking who's a lil fluffy boy would follow right up.)
Oh God nooo... 25 comments
Girl rescues kitty off the streets 14 comments
· 7 years ago
okay a question for the professional community: does this cat have palatoschisis? is that the reason for its horrible looking face ? i've never seen one in animals but it looks a bit like it, to me.
Apparently there is a serial killer on the loose in my town. 11 comments
· 7 years ago
i'd rather murder those acquaintances that annoy the fuck out of me... i believe it might be more therapeutic ...
I may not be perfect, but my hooman loves me 8 comments
· 7 years ago
might not have 2 eyes but at least the one i have is huge and super adorable :D
It'll be great if this happens in my country 9 comments
· 7 years ago
i didn't know we had to infantilize men any further. they're already expected to be unable to cook and do the washing and basically take care of themselves on their own.
Relax 11 comments
Shower thoughts 24 comments
· 7 years ago
things like this make me immenselly happy that if all goes well, i'll be dead in roughly 30 or 40 years. so long ya suckers!
*lick* 11 comments
· 7 years ago
those are deer babies i don't think this picture fits with the description
Such a threat 25 comments
· 7 years ago
i love it how left the cum cookies for last as if this was the worst thing could happen to a guy. i mean a girl might wreck your car, burn your hours, murder you in cold blood OR EVEN FEED YOU COOKIES WITH HUMAN SPERM IN THEM OH MY GOD SUCH A TERROR
as if anyone needed any more proof to know that hetero men are ridiculous :P
as if anyone needed any more proof to know that hetero men are ridiculous :P
Pretty neat 7 comments
· 7 years ago
i would like to know which supernatural force is keeping the boobs in such a shape because THAT is NOT normal or even in the realm of possible on this good earth
I'm guilty of this 59 comments
· 7 years ago
y'all do realise that boobs are NOT on the sternum tho right? there's this 5 cm wide flat bone in the middle of everyone's chest, it's what you should be applying pressure to, not the boobs.
since mouth to mouth is the most common reason people don't wanna perform cpr -
remember: there's no need for a mouth to mouth UNLESS it's a drowned person OR a child. regular, garden variety heart attacks do perfectly fine with just CPR for those few minutes that it takes for the paramedics to show up. as long as you get blood circulating, there's still lenough oxygen in those 5 liters of blood to help sustain the brain.
since mouth to mouth is the most common reason people don't wanna perform cpr -
remember: there's no need for a mouth to mouth UNLESS it's a drowned person OR a child. regular, garden variety heart attacks do perfectly fine with just CPR for those few minutes that it takes for the paramedics to show up. as long as you get blood circulating, there's still lenough oxygen in those 5 liters of blood to help sustain the brain.
I'm guilty of this 59 comments
· 7 years ago
mostly peopel change their minds about these suits anyway, you just gotta... gotta talk some sense into them. sued plenty of doctors over shit like that, too. y'all USA folks are a bit too trigger-happy when it comes to suing people left and right.
I'm guilty of this 59 comments
· 7 years ago
'killing the dying' is not the exactly right term here.
thing is, if someone's having a heart attack, meaning their heart isn't working, at all, they're going to die. whatever you do to try and help them, can only HELP them, it can't HURT them because, as i said, if you don't touch them, in 10 to 20 minutes, they will very likely be dead. that's why it is ALWAYS encouraged for bystanders to ACT. call the ambulance, give compressions, get someone to find a nearby AED, etc. the most dangerous thing is to do nothing. doesn't make you a murderer but it doesn't make you a very good person, either.
as for ribs, they usually break in the elderly or kids. broken ribs can easily be managed. stopped hearts and dead brain can not. so by all means, if you hear something crach during CPR, keep going. if someone does end up suing you over it, tell them i said they're PRIME CUNTS and that they should instead be grateful to be alive and thank you kindly for putting so much effort in helping them.
thing is, if someone's having a heart attack, meaning their heart isn't working, at all, they're going to die. whatever you do to try and help them, can only HELP them, it can't HURT them because, as i said, if you don't touch them, in 10 to 20 minutes, they will very likely be dead. that's why it is ALWAYS encouraged for bystanders to ACT. call the ambulance, give compressions, get someone to find a nearby AED, etc. the most dangerous thing is to do nothing. doesn't make you a murderer but it doesn't make you a very good person, either.
as for ribs, they usually break in the elderly or kids. broken ribs can easily be managed. stopped hearts and dead brain can not. so by all means, if you hear something crach during CPR, keep going. if someone does end up suing you over it, tell them i said they're PRIME CUNTS and that they should instead be grateful to be alive and thank you kindly for putting so much effort in helping them.
This is a real hero 5 comments
· 7 years ago
if you wanted me to cry you could just poke me in the eyes, no need to hit me with these Heavy FeelsTM
Christmas doggo 3 comments
It doesn't work like that 5 comments
· 7 years ago
now we all gotta ask you to point us in the direction of memory-bleach
such is life *sighs*
such is life *sighs*
She likes you 14 comments
· 7 years ago
if some arse asked me for a gum every day, not only i wouldn't fucking give it to him (gum is expensive, hellloooo), i 100% wouldn't give him MORE gum as a parting gift. if you want gum, fricking bring your own.
A good daddy 26 comments
· 7 years ago
@guest w/ weird friend ... don't know what to tell you, mate but you're probably onto something. insecure people must feel frickin' threathened by people of their own maturity level. must be frightening if you're 40 and afraid someone your own age might discover you're mentally barely past puberty. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯