What would you do? 25 comments
· 7 years ago
she should've replied sth like 'not just a pony, i'd kick you in the face, kid, repeatedly, to end world hunger.'
For all you lonely souls 13 comments
· 7 years ago
so if you want to get a girl to like you, do something nice for her like making her laugh. but if you're a girl, better make a guy feel he can /capitalize/ on you.
great advice, honestly.
great advice, honestly.
She is pretty upset about it 11 comments
· 7 years ago
imagine how upset she'll be when she hears about having to go to work almost every day for almost the rest of her life :S
What even are we? 16 comments
· 7 years ago
this is freaking amazing, i wonder how long it took the person to separate all the nerves from the flesh. fffff O.O
Can't blame a guy for trying 11 comments
· 7 years ago
oka ingenious lime puns but ... the sheer perseverance would piss me off if i were her. knowing when to stop is crucial.
fml 2 12 comments
· 7 years ago
jesus so what, it's just porn, it's not like you were reading a white supremacist group forum or something.
The power of imagination 7 comments
· 7 years ago
far as i know, having consumed 80% of all media there is on hannibal the cannibal, the only way he'd have anything to do with military or elephants would be shooting an elephant with a rifle and then making it into a fancy dish with a long french name. :S
· 7 years ago
quit your job and then eat what? plaster? move? move where and with what money?
shit ain't that simple and you shouldn't make people feel like they're somehow /responsible/ for their own misery and amlost like deserve it because they're not /doing everything in their power/ to change things.
i mean, next thing you'll say is to simply murder whoever annoys you? your boss a twat? kill the motherfucker. neighbour giving you trouble? bury them in the back yard. do something. you are /in control/.
shit ain't that simple and you shouldn't make people feel like they're somehow /responsible/ for their own misery and amlost like deserve it because they're not /doing everything in their power/ to change things.
i mean, next thing you'll say is to simply murder whoever annoys you? your boss a twat? kill the motherfucker. neighbour giving you trouble? bury them in the back yard. do something. you are /in control/.
WLTH 194: you ever just rub your temples at something and wonder who let this happen 43 comments
· 7 years ago
how about we'd just chill and stop sending young people off to die, regardless of their gender? how is that not a bigger problem?
Amazing artist changes sexualised dolls 21 comments
At least she's not... Prego 4 comments
· 7 years ago
there are people out there who put such things on facebook for all to see? seriously?
what's the rest of us supposed to do, buy eye bleach or unfriend everyone?
what's the rest of us supposed to do, buy eye bleach or unfriend everyone?
What 2 years of changing habits can do 20 comments
· 7 years ago
why tho sicne all we have to do is to accept ourselves the way we are and poof, magically we are beautiful?
I should applaud her for being such a problem-solver... But damn, it hurt my pride a lot 10 comments
· 7 years ago
actually, kegel's exercises train the pelvic floor muscles.. not th vagina. the vagina is an elastic organ, not a muscle in itself, that's designed to loosen up and relax and stetch and whahaveyou when the woman is aroused, so that the penis protruding it wouldn't damage the vanigal tissue. you can't actually tighten one's vagina w/ kegel's but you can help to prevent future urinary incontinence and shit so, good on your girlfriend to be doing those exercises.
The movie you will never see 19 comments
Guess it doesn't matter now 14 comments
Now that's badass! 12 comments
Eat everything 23 comments
· 7 years ago
actually, this is called eating away your feelings and it means you have a problem. atop the other problems you are trying to not think about while gobbering up everything in your fridge.
Same goes for unshaven coochies 15 comments
· 7 years ago
the way you said it, one is full-body paper bag and the other is razor&make up. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I would've if I could've 11 comments
She doesn't know what she's talking about 44 comments
· 7 years ago
um, food, which we literaly need to survive, housing, water, etc, these things cost money... which we can only get from: a) participating in wage labour, b) stealing or c) selling own fucking kidney on black market.
so yea. capitalism is fucking awful.
so yea. capitalism is fucking awful.
Frozen venice the beautiful 7 comments
This is a good question 81 comments
· 7 years ago
adoption isn't getting a tattoo! it's not /altering your body/ for the fun of it, it's a lot more complicated and often there's other important things connected to it like one's health, independence, etc.
i imagine it could work for not really close friends but amongst people who tell each other a lot it would be really damn awkward if nothing else.