Does it work on a guy? 6 comments
· 7 years ago
nice butt!!
Learn to take a joke 27 comments
· 7 years ago
y'know, i'm the type of person who, when told to "remove the stick out of my but and laugh a little", like to oblige, remove the stick and beat whoever said that with it.
can the system be fixed? .n. 12 comments
· 7 years ago
hey daisy, lung cancer isn't curable at all, in most cases most you can do as a doctor is to take a paliative care approach and make the patient's dying easier. however. this man here is refusing treatment because it costs too much. being taken care of, whichever way, pain meds, paliative radiation etc, it costs too much. so he decided to spare the debt to his family and go out dying slowly and painfully like this was fucking 14th century.
he is not deciding to refuse certain types of treatment for /personal reasons/. lots of people with cancer do that and they can do as they please, it's their life, their choice etc. HOWEVER. this man's choice is either to a) recieve medical care and condemn his family to a life of paying off debts or b) die awfully.
do you understand? he's not choosing betwen treatment and no treatment. he's choosing between awful death and fucking his loved ones over... in the richest fucking country in the world. it'd be hilarious if it weren't so. fucking. sad.
he is not deciding to refuse certain types of treatment for /personal reasons/. lots of people with cancer do that and they can do as they please, it's their life, their choice etc. HOWEVER. this man's choice is either to a) recieve medical care and condemn his family to a life of paying off debts or b) die awfully.
do you understand? he's not choosing betwen treatment and no treatment. he's choosing between awful death and fucking his loved ones over... in the richest fucking country in the world. it'd be hilarious if it weren't so. fucking. sad.
Αrwen and Aragorn 3 comments
· 7 years ago
aw yikes poor soft manly feelings, getting hurt over and over alll the time.
12 reasons why 11 comments
· 7 years ago
/i'm 'in a relationship' on facebook now/?? really???? really really???????
Always planning in advance 14 comments
· 7 years ago
pineapple, having a strong sweet flaour, somehow affects semen. it makes it taste sweet.... which is convenient if you're getting a blowjob and the other person likes sweet things.
Broken heart syndrome 8 comments
· 7 years ago
i don't think takotsubo happens because of broken heart strings. i'm p. sure it happens for other non-ischemic reasons and it definitelly had a great prognosis compared to AMI. 2/3 of patients fully recover in takotsubo sy.
Take that, future me 4 comments
· 7 years ago
alzheimer's is not a funny thing, trust me. you don't want it. perhaps you wanna reconsider joking about it, too.
Yes we do 5 comments
· 7 years ago
never. i like warm water and also, um, how about we don't thow away more fresh water than necessary.
Be Careful Who You Call Ugly in Middle School 23 comments
· 7 years ago
half of these went from regular dose of steroids to absolutely terrifying steroid abuse oh my god you need a doctor
7 Facts You Don't Know About Gal Gadot 10 comments
· 7 years ago
are you quite fucking serious tho? crazy lady has tons of mad skills and the only thing you care about are her thighs and boobs??
That's a little excessive 19 comments
· 7 years ago
that's not even close to excessive, those people murdered an innocent woman for payment, for fuck's sake.
Germinating strawberry 9 comments
· 7 years ago
this is possibly one of the grossest things i've ever seen in my entire life
This is too cute 15 comments
· 7 years ago
this is not cute, it's terrible. i mean it's an orphaned little kiddo. it's sad as hell. :/
This mom is extremely passive aggressive 4 comments
· 7 years ago
digging up plants from someone's garden seems outrageously rude and honestly i hope the perpetrators' entire garden withers. the fuckers.
Karma protected him 17 comments
· 7 years ago
....on a motorcycle ?? that's a whole new fucking level of fucked up, good god. vicious and idiotic. god help us.
to all the awesome guys and girls who love mushy romance 40 comments
· 7 years ago
honestly i find it so weird that some guys claim they feel odd when complimented on things liek their eyes or being funny or something nice they did for someone... i mean.. fuck's with y'all? I /know/ you have feelings somewhere down there under all the trendy non-feel masculinity the society shoved down your throats, it's fine to admit to it sometimes and just... be a fucking human.
i will never think less of a man for crying. i will never think less of anyone for crying, in fact but in case the men out there are worried: crying is reassuring. it means you're not one of those poor souls repressed beyond repair.
i will never think less of a man for crying. i will never think less of anyone for crying, in fact but in case the men out there are worried: crying is reassuring. it means you're not one of those poor souls repressed beyond repair.
important PSA 9 comments
· 7 years ago
no wonder the world is fucked if people would rather buy their kids pet fish that actually raise them (raise the kids, not the fish). are they expecting the fish to knock some sense in their little heads?
personally i believe the two movies aren't that hard to understnad even if you're little but if a kid doesn't get it, i guess you sit them down and talk it through with them so they'll grow to be a better person!?
i also understand that kids WANT waht they see in movies so up you go and buy a plush blue tag, clownfish, a fucking plush mollusc if necessary, have your kid make a fish out of papiermache, draw it, fucking get fake washable fish tattoos if necessary. kids need limits. buying them a fish stolen from the ocean is NOT providing them with limits.
Edited 7 years ago
personally i believe the two movies aren't that hard to understnad even if you're little but if a kid doesn't get it, i guess you sit them down and talk it through with them so they'll grow to be a better person!?
i also understand that kids WANT waht they see in movies so up you go and buy a plush blue tag, clownfish, a fucking plush mollusc if necessary, have your kid make a fish out of papiermache, draw it, fucking get fake washable fish tattoos if necessary. kids need limits. buying them a fish stolen from the ocean is NOT providing them with limits.
Wise words 9 comments
· 7 years ago
yea right by trating people like you want ot be treated and expecting them to extend the same courtest tHAT SO WILD AND UNREALISTIC right.
Savage af 7 comments
· 7 years ago
haha oh god, don't go outside and you'll never get hit by a car. are you completely serious -.-
The bottom one rings more true for me. Though sometimes it's the middle. What about you? 16 comments
· 7 years ago
i rarely have this problem bc the shit i like is so freaking weird, nobody else and i mean nobody, likes it. :D