Never give up! 5 comments
· 9 years ago
well, i'm not in a grave yet, am i
No words 16 comments
Just....what? 16 comments
· 9 years ago
yea but get this: they have a whole country full of chinese people, you'd outright die to have that happen to your ''beloved'' usa, right, mr. british-word-for-fart?
I feel bad that guys always have to be the tough one. :/ 18 comments
· 9 years ago
i don't feel bad for the husbands because i "die" every month when i get my period and the worst part is, i don't even really die, i just suffer. both sexes must carry their burdens, end of story.
Be a Man *music in background* 24 comments
· 9 years ago
I thought Mulan was everyone's favourite disney princess...? Like, it's obvious?
Kinky 13 comments
· 9 years ago
somebody had a hell of a problem with that guy?! Jesus Christ, wouldn't a dagger to the heart suffice? the smell must've been unbearable.
This cat is not the most graceful creature 4 comments
He just couldn't take it anymore 20 comments
· 9 years ago
how is this the content that should be on a site called funsubstance? if i wanted to break my soul in half and destry the little faith in humanity i might still have, i'd have watched the people getting blown up on the news.
This is what my dog would be like 5 comments
· 9 years ago
she's already rewarded with a very loving family. my friend loves that dog more than she loves me and i don't even blame her. :D
*sees David Michael Bennett* 17 comments
· 9 years ago
i do not like the idea of the world being my sexual oyster. what is so attractive about slimy, wiggly sea fauna? gross. :B
I'm seriously so angry right now 14 comments
· 9 years ago
^ then they are not feminists, they are idiots with mixed up definitions.
I'm seriously so angry right now 14 comments
· 9 years ago
@ecumenicalmatter we better shut up and let the people with non-torchy advice do the job (but i'm totally in if some witch-burning is going to happen *grabs red gown of the spanish inquisition*)
That's actually beautiful 33 comments
· 9 years ago
i am shocked to see a) how uneducated i am despite getting education for roughly 15 years and b) how uneducated are the people who were supposed to educate me
apologies for whatever inaccurate information i might've shared.
Edited 9 years ago
apologies for whatever inaccurate information i might've shared.
This is what my dog would be like 5 comments
· 9 years ago
my friend has this realyl fluffy, very very kind middle-sized dog. well, once an intruder had been trying to get into their house and the forementioned cuddly, loving dog turned into a freaking monster, barked her throat out until my friend and her mum got up and let her outside. apparently the dog kept running around the yard for a while while barking on full volume and my friend said she looked like some pre-historic wolf mum who just had her babies stolen from her and that it's really lucky that the would-be-burglar ran away before the dog got out of the house and tore him to fucking pieces.
*sees David Michael Bennett* 17 comments
· 9 years ago
what struggle? it's a gift. a gift to be able to appreciate both sexes. isn't that just great? twice as many people to lust over. okay that can be a bit problematic but you do get what i'm saying, right?
I'm seriously so angry right now 14 comments
· 9 years ago
alternatively, as soon as you see her, scream 'liar liar pants on fire' at the top of your lungs and point at the lying bitch...with a torch. proceed to demand an apology. if she refuses, threathen to literarly light her pants on fire.
sorry. i'm bad at advice. :B
sorry. i'm bad at advice. :B
That's actually beautiful 33 comments
· 9 years ago
yea, i'd love to link but i heard that years ago at some biochemistry class, sorry. as for explaining, Y chromosome is smaller than x and it features few important genes. most of it it's crumbly trash. lots of fatal diseases (like blood clotting disorders) are encoded on Y chromosome and i think we were told something in the context of natural selection trying to dispose of it. something like that. surely not in 50 years, i was joking. :D if you have two copies of x, one might be faulty but the other covers for it. if you only have one, you're fucked. that's some sort of a fundamental flaw or whatever that would alledgedly erase itself by removal of chromosome Y. that's just a bedtime story, really. the reasons for it are probably way more fucking complicated and on a molecular level.
Brazilian policeuncovered 287 colorful kilos of cocaine 13 comments
· 9 years ago
you mean, besides dying while feeling really amped? ...talking about it, i don't know how coke kills when ingested. i'll have to look into that.
That's actually beautiful 33 comments
· 9 years ago
well, considering that the Y chromosome is crumbling already...
it's not going to disappear in 50 years but in a few thousand, anything can happen.
it's not going to disappear in 50 years but in a few thousand, anything can happen.