I have weird music stuck in my head 9 comments
· 9 years ago
yes. *sarcasm completely pollutes the air in the room*
I have weird music stuck in my head 9 comments
· 9 years ago
taking this in consideration: i am not at all that different from cats.
Finding out that I got a 96% on the math final I've been worried about 14 comments
· 9 years ago
you both are either mathematical geniuses or your finals are really freaking easy because i had to study for 4 years non stop to even pass my maths exams :D but then, i'm not good at maths, never was.
Finding out that I got a 96% on the math final I've been worried about 14 comments
· 9 years ago
congratulations!! (are you even real, how do you get that high a score in maths O.O)
Never lose hope men 6 comments
· 9 years ago
i am a girl and i've been "friendzoned" only yesterday so please give me a break with these 'don't lose hope, men'. We're not even entitled to hope, I mean, why would a person you like have to like you back? I'm not that great to deserve that, are you? We don't get to bitch about it or make people guilty over things like that. Someone liking you is a privilege, not a necessary consequence of you liking them. Give it a fucking break.
Easy parenting trick 10 comments
· 9 years ago
this is not a debate about me or my lying habits. it seems to me everybody went straight through my point like it were invisible. I said, we should do our best to teach kids not to lie. Of course people lie, kids lie, everybody lies but if you try to teach them they shouldn't, you've done your part. now it's on them to decide whether lying is something they should or shouldn't do in a given situation. that way, they learn about consequences of both, lying and telling the truth. that's probably called personal growth, maturing or some other shit and it should be an important goal for you as a parent that your kids achieve it and grow up into thoughtful, responsible adults.
If you trick them with that red-ear trick, it's YOU who's lying and manipulating. What kind of a lesson does that teach your kids? it's embarrasing, it makes them feel like you're so fucking superior and it underlines the efficiency of lying and manipulation. shortly: you're setting a pretty rotten example.
If you trick them with that red-ear trick, it's YOU who's lying and manipulating. What kind of a lesson does that teach your kids? it's embarrasing, it makes them feel like you're so fucking superior and it underlines the efficiency of lying and manipulation. shortly: you're setting a pretty rotten example.
Easy parenting trick 10 comments
· 9 years ago
no, in the regular world. you don't need a perfect world to try and do your best to teach your offspring not to lie.
Easy parenting trick 10 comments
Girls are majestic f*cking creatures 48 comments
· 9 years ago
^ not gonna say anything, just wiggle my eyebrows in a very suggestive manner
Science?! 15 comments
· 9 years ago
scientifical win but as far as cuisine goes, not so much of a win. :P
Girls are majestic f*cking creatures 48 comments
· 9 years ago
apologies, i thought this was a boy's post. .... thinking back, that was a dumb assumption because boys would never have blueberry or any other kind of smoothie, what was i even thinking XD
Girls are majestic f*cking creatures 48 comments
· 9 years ago
dear god, did you vaccinate yourselves afterwards then, in case anyone caught the homo?
The U.S. Has more Spanish speakers than Spain 26 comments
What in the name of Mike 4 comments
· 9 years ago
everyone who had ever stepped on an earthworm would ged squeezed like a lemon ^^ (i'm saying this to low key brag about how i'm safe in that aspect since i have an annoying habit to pick up everything slimy and crawly i see and taking it across the road or to the nearest grass patch. )
What the author meant 19 comments
· 9 years ago
it was frustrating back then and it is still frustrating now even though i don't get raped with these made up symbolics anymore, i mean, why the fuck people, why the fuck.
i had this very awesome english teacher who'd have us read Sheakespeare's sonnets and then when we got to that shall i compare thee piece, she'd make fun how her hair is also like wires and she also walks funny so it could very well be all aplied to her. we also managed to go through the whole catcher in the rye without any symbolism shoved down our throats which i think was my teacher's important personal achievemnt. C:
i had this very awesome english teacher who'd have us read Sheakespeare's sonnets and then when we got to that shall i compare thee piece, she'd make fun how her hair is also like wires and she also walks funny so it could very well be all aplied to her. we also managed to go through the whole catcher in the rye without any symbolism shoved down our throats which i think was my teacher's important personal achievemnt. C:
The harsh truth 16 comments
· 9 years ago
it's actually comforting... in a very scary, too-big-to-understand-it way. the universe will forget everything we ever did including the fact that we ever existed so you really don't have to worry about that embarrasing thing you did 7 years ago because the universe doesn't give a fuck.
Astronauts describing space 18 comments
Pollution 19 comments
Majestic tibetan mastiff 10 comments
Smooth 9 comments
· 9 years ago
that's not ven a cock, it's a female chicken. jesus christ, this is a double fail. triple, if you count sara's reply.
Well shit 102 comments
· 9 years ago
could someone please tell her to lay off whatever she's on? it's obviously causing some really weird effects.
What's That Bae? 3 comments
· 9 years ago
peopel who want to be clear on things ... also people who would like to be told they're special and important and loved ...
Oh Grandpa! 11 comments
· 9 years ago
i am eternally grateful that my grandpa was the kind of a man who'd literarly never say anything as gross as this.
i am eternally grateful that my grandpa was the kind of a man who'd literarly never say anything as gross as this.