I'm really excited to get old 4 comments
· 9 years ago
now that's positivity if i ever saw any :D
Hello, 911? 3 comments
Ladies is this true? 79 comments
· 9 years ago
i'm not sure if you're complimenting my thoughts on the subject or if you're trying to slip me some lethatl sarcasm so perhaps a bit of a clarification, if you can spare the time? thanks :)
Very accurate 11 comments
Ladies is this true? 79 comments
· 9 years ago
i love to rant about gender stereotypes so: females are supposed to be passive, that's the main trait of our gender. being cold is pasive while asking for a hug might be percieved as stepping out of the boundaries of gender roles, makign the woman who says it 'less female' and thus less atractive to straight males (assuming the one you want a hug from is one of those). tl;dr : we're afraid to ask for a hug because it might look like we're coming onto the guy or whatever, ruining the gross stereotype of 'men = hunters' and ending up in being walked away from.
the safest way to go when a girl says she's cold would be to ask her if she wants your jacket or if it's really fucking cold, start a science-ish speech on how body heat is best perserved by direct contact. if she's into it, just hug her. if she goes like ಠ_ಠ, throw in some convection/radiation talk and make it look like you wanna discuss some physics. if nothing else it'll make you look smart.
the safest way to go when a girl says she's cold would be to ask her if she wants your jacket or if it's really fucking cold, start a science-ish speech on how body heat is best perserved by direct contact. if she's into it, just hug her. if she goes like ಠ_ಠ, throw in some convection/radiation talk and make it look like you wanna discuss some physics. if nothing else it'll make you look smart.
Enough money to retire 4 comments
· 9 years ago
i thought this was going somewhere nice but then it only made my stomach drop n horror.
Aspire to be more like cannibals 7 comments
· 9 years ago
how wonderful, a post about will graham and hannibal the cannibal lecter
I don't TOTALLY agree with this but i somewhat do. 30 comments
· 9 years ago
yeah nice but point is that everyone's valid, including the women (or men, for that matter) who decide to stay at home and be housewives. you don't have to be a super-hacker/ceo/disgustingly rich to proove you're worth more than a trashcan. it shouldn't work like that. Everyone should be respected and treated well by the society, no matter what kind of a 'career' they decide to pursue and regardless of their gender, etc.
So this is what I dealt with today at my LA Fitness Pool 45 comments
· 9 years ago
@ guest no. 1, are you fucking joking?? i don't mind if people write shit in poor grammar or talk in poor grammar if they're learning. sure, learn away. but i do expect if someone makes a fucking post, that they'll fucking proof-read it at least once before posting it. not doing so is fucking offensive to everyone who reads that post because the op obviously didn't care enough to check those 5 fucking words again after typing them and that is disrespectful. if people can proof-read whole fucking novel-sized fanfictions, you sure can check the grammar basics before making a 5 word meme, or can't you?
*ravenous drooling* 2 comments
· 9 years ago
honestly, i'm that friend that asks 'are you gonna finish that' when i notice people are not touching their food for like 5 minutes
I have over protective parents and I have learnt a lot of lying strategies 37 comments
· 9 years ago
In a way, perhaps. I wouldn't know if I was born a pretty good liar or if I became one out of necessity. However, with protective parents (like my ones) it's best to never lie except when it's really fucking necessary. It sways them into a feeling of safety. It also really helps that people are inclined to hear what they want ot hear so if you tell them that they might doubt it but they'll eat at themselves, like, "that's my kid, I have to trust them, they've always been so responsible, always so honest, fuck, surely they wouldn't start lying now, right?"
Also, always mix in half-truths. Lies based on truth are the best ones. And finally, always deny, deny and deny. If you budge once, you're done forever. Deny it to the hell and back, eventually they'll start thinking they might be wrong, it's how people are wired to think. We always want to believe what we want it to be true. Never underestimate that self-decieving bit of human nature.
Also, always mix in half-truths. Lies based on truth are the best ones. And finally, always deny, deny and deny. If you budge once, you're done forever. Deny it to the hell and back, eventually they'll start thinking they might be wrong, it's how people are wired to think. We always want to believe what we want it to be true. Never underestimate that self-decieving bit of human nature.
Why you should read 50 Shades of Grey for a good laugh 21 comments
· 9 years ago
i would like to request on behalf of horses worldwide that you stop comparing this garbage to their excrements, thank you very much. a real horse's shit is biodegradable, has no potential to be turned into horrible movies and doesn't stink nearly as much as these books do.
Finally a cause I can fully support 9 comments
· 9 years ago
WHY??? i like christmas lasting for a month. hell if i could help it, we'd never remove christmas decorations.
Why you should read 50 Shades of Grey for a good laugh 21 comments
· 9 years ago
honestly, comparing this shit to fanfiction is insulting. isure, bad fanfics exist but is anyone trying to sell them for big money or attempting to make a shitty movie based on them or something like that?!
it's just like there was only one really famous porn tape in the world and people would just jump at it, thinking it's the best there is just because they haven't seen anything better. all those people who like these shady greys or whatever, please go check out AO3 or some similar site.
it's just like there was only one really famous porn tape in the world and people would just jump at it, thinking it's the best there is just because they haven't seen anything better. all those people who like these shady greys or whatever, please go check out AO3 or some similar site.
Asians and Whites 26 comments
· 9 years ago
i would have to specifically use the term 'Chinese' instead of 'slant-eyes' as to make my point clearer or ... ?
I understand that people canno't just pinpoint someone's origins but that's not the problem. The problem is people actively not giving a fuck and just calling everybody Asian-looking, Chinese.
@underyourbed definitelly nobody is physically forced to care about politeness or ethics but it is, mildly put, sort of desired that people do so, what's your fucking point again?
I understand that people canno't just pinpoint someone's origins but that's not the problem. The problem is people actively not giving a fuck and just calling everybody Asian-looking, Chinese.
@underyourbed definitelly nobody is physically forced to care about politeness or ethics but it is, mildly put, sort of desired that people do so, what's your fucking point again?
Probably the greatest invention ever 12 comments
· 9 years ago
good ideas, both of you but wouldn't it be actually easy to manufacture it so it's safe and cannot actually shoot nails over a distance?
It's so sad. Ignorance being viewed as intelligence is the problem. Stop the madness 23 comments
· 9 years ago
i just don't get it. if i were a parent, presented with a choice between chances of my kid getting autism and chances of my kid dying from a preventable super-scary disease....well, that's not much of a tough choice, is it? whatever happens after vaccinating, at least it isn't on you. it's bad luck or whatever (and the chances are bigger that the kid will get runned over by a drunk driver anyways). how do they suppose to live with themselves if their non-vaccinated kid, say, (god forbid) dies of pertussis? how do you risk a thing like that?
Probably the greatest invention ever 12 comments
· 9 years ago
this is very very dangerous. nail guns have been specifically made so that they cannot actually shoot out a nail if they're not firmly pressed against a hard surface to prevent that sort of ... accidents.
this sounds like a very dangerous evolvment.
this sounds like a very dangerous evolvment.
Asians and Whites 26 comments
· 9 years ago
well, there's a difference between not recognizing an asian person as chinese/korean/japanese.... and being polite about it versus blatantly labeling everyone even remotely asian-looking as 'that slant-eyes over there' or something similarly racist.
i'm starting to think people around here care less about the ethics and politesse than they care about someone 'getting burned' so then they can laugh and point fingers. i don't appreciate this. it is possible to teach people lesson without being mean.
i'm starting to think people around here care less about the ethics and politesse than they care about someone 'getting burned' so then they can laugh and point fingers. i don't appreciate this. it is possible to teach people lesson without being mean.