Well that escalated quickly 5 comments
· 9 years ago
always knew kids were basically potatoes with eyes + extremities but lacked the material to proove it. thanks! :D
Edited 9 years ago
So accurate 9 comments
· 9 years ago
to emphasize it. if an option to underline, bold or otherwise stress the desired word is unavaliable, all you can do is use the quotation marks or similar stuff like these: ** >< ''
Moss turtle, and you thought you had a bad hair day 8 comments
· 9 years ago
this turtle has 100% better hair than i do on my best hair days.
what was your point again?
what was your point again?
So accurate 9 comments
· 9 years ago
hands up everybody who was trying to be nice to a girl they find sexually attractive WITHOUT harboring the desire to fuck her
i'm such an ass 28 comments
· 9 years ago
if you're saying things that would make you feel uncomfortable/ashamed if someone connected them to your primary username.... how about you don't say them at all??
Do you think this kind of hypocricy you have going on is the right thing to be doing?
I tried to explain myself left and right but to keep it short: learn to own up to your shit.
Do you think this kind of hypocricy you have going on is the right thing to be doing?
I tried to explain myself left and right but to keep it short: learn to own up to your shit.
Oh, medical students 3 comments
· 9 years ago
wish i could do this one day... actually, i very well might.
however, i'm harboring serious doubts about htat being human heart. more likely the donor was a swine. (it looks fresh, stuff in formaldehyde tends to discolor + fresh human hearts are sort of like, how can i put this, hard (illegal) to come by)
however, i'm harboring serious doubts about htat being human heart. more likely the donor was a swine. (it looks fresh, stuff in formaldehyde tends to discolor + fresh human hearts are sort of like, how can i put this, hard (illegal) to come by)
Never kill a man's dog 14 comments
· 9 years ago
you call the zoo-keeper and bring it to their attention so they can feed it.
no? i thought we were playing the 'let's take this as far out of contex as we can and make a dumb point about it.
no? i thought we were playing the 'let's take this as far out of contex as we can and make a dumb point about it.
Never kill a man's dog 14 comments
May cause some controversy 21 comments
· 9 years ago
oooooh, so that means we should jsut accept it? just, like, get over it, inequality will always be there, nothing we can do??
how about i say no to that idiotic approach?
how about i say no to that idiotic approach?
WHERE DID I GO WRONG???? 15 comments
He died a heroic death 11 comments
WHERE DID I GO WRONG???? 15 comments
· 9 years ago
talk about wasting your youth and mental health; how about medschool??
May cause some controversy 21 comments
· 9 years ago
i live in a 99,9% caucasian population and still manage to daily hurt my eyes on plenty of underwear-displaying male behinds.
secondly, i have yet to hear about boys being sent home from school for inappropriate clothing style while girls apparently get sent home all the time for wearing shorts or letting their bra straps be visible.
i'm not an expert but something smells like inequality here.
secondly, i have yet to hear about boys being sent home from school for inappropriate clothing style while girls apparently get sent home all the time for wearing shorts or letting their bra straps be visible.
i'm not an expert but something smells like inequality here.
NOPE 8 comments
· 9 years ago
actually, i politely asked those plant-murderers to throw themselves off a cliff. there's water down there. they might survive. certainly got more chances than a plant in a pot that nobody ever waters, y'know.
NOPE 8 comments
· 9 years ago
i know we're not supposed to say to people they should go throw themselves off a cliff but... dear people who intentionally let plants dry up and die, please go throw yourself off a cliff.
Kitchen island with built in seating 14 comments
· 9 years ago
i'd hate to be that guy but if i had a kitchen like that, i'd sooner be dead that allow a tv or any kind of distraction. i take food very seriously. probably because i'm usually starving at uni for one half of the day and then living off of yoghurt, tea nad cookies for the remainder of the day.
May cause some controversy 21 comments
· 9 years ago
actually, what it is really about it, whether your pants cover your underpants.
also, since we're at it, this is yet another thing only men are allowed to do. if a girl showed up in highschool with pants hanging at her knees like so many teenage boys do....
also, since we're at it, this is yet another thing only men are allowed to do. if a girl showed up in highschool with pants hanging at her knees like so many teenage boys do....
posts -- bisexual theme 22 comments
· 9 years ago
i don't like labels for one reason: it's very hard to define the levels of attraction, affection, etc you feel fo another human being. it's very confusing, all this, and i don't think we should concern ourselves with labels in addition to that.
it's not wrong to like whoever you like. it doesn't have to 'fit with your label', it doesn't have to fall in any categories or whatever shit. categories are all artificially made and serve the purpose of controlling people. it's okay if you like it that way, for purposes of self-indentification or whatever but me, that's really not my thing, being controlled.
it's not wrong to like whoever you like. it doesn't have to 'fit with your label', it doesn't have to fall in any categories or whatever shit. categories are all artificially made and serve the purpose of controlling people. it's okay if you like it that way, for purposes of self-indentification or whatever but me, that's really not my thing, being controlled.
Charmander doesn't kid around 12 comments
· 9 years ago
well, what's the problem, really. you get ecological electricity anywhere + portable fireplace. gotta help eachother out, right? surely that's not degrading, is it? :D
You get an org*sm,you get an org*sm, org*sms for everyone!! 15 comments
· 9 years ago
^ muchly agreed.
i didn't know the site censorst it automatically but then if it does indeed do so, why the fuck does it censor 'orgasm'?? does it censor 'headache', too? how about 'tingling'? 'itching'? i'm really curious why are things related to sex viewed as dirty. what's the point? are we not yet out of the fucking dark ages or whatever where they all pretended they were pure and clean and that nobody ever has sex or mastrubates and that babies, what, just drop out of the sky?
i didn't know the site censorst it automatically but then if it does indeed do so, why the fuck does it censor 'orgasm'?? does it censor 'headache', too? how about 'tingling'? 'itching'? i'm really curious why are things related to sex viewed as dirty. what's the point? are we not yet out of the fucking dark ages or whatever where they all pretended they were pure and clean and that nobody ever has sex or mastrubates and that babies, what, just drop out of the sky?
You get an org*sm,you get an org*sm, org*sms for everyone!! 15 comments
· 9 years ago
why does this need to be censored?? why do you spell orgasm like this 'org*sm'?? it's not an inappropriate word, it's just a word. like penis or vagina or clitoris. those don't need to be censored. i mean, what the hell?
Respect the blocks 10 comments
· 9 years ago
i am. i also don't like to stand by and watch quietly while people blab about throwing chocolate in the trash. do you think i shouldn't have a problem with that? do you think making problems up because life is ''boring'' is some sort of a sport? it's not. go do something useful instead of dumbly questioning my entertaining abilities.
Faith in humanity restored 11 comments
· 9 years ago
how fucking cruel is it to take a bunny and throw it into a river??? even if it didn't have an owner, standing right there. how fucking sick must a person be to do something like that?!?
Moo moo buckaroo 16 comments