Just FYI ladies 45 comments
· 9 years ago
good for your feet, then! :) just be careful not to step on something sharp and dangerous.
Just FYI ladies 45 comments
· 9 years ago
yes, i am aware. still, people who decide to dance ballet, they're doing it for more than just looking 'sexy' and I'm pretty sure society doesn't pressure anyone into becoming a ballerina. with heels it is quite different.
Just FYI ladies 45 comments
· 9 years ago
i'd hate to be scaring you but you will, at some point. better do a lot of exercising and bare-feet walking to countereffect the heels.
Friend sent this... Didn't go as planned for this guy 7 comments
· 9 years ago
thanks but it genuinely baffles me, this. some peopel are just... huge ego but very fragile at the same time? or are they plain morons, i don't know.
Don't be a jerk 25 comments
· 9 years ago
i still disagree. even with animals, physical punishment only has limited effects. more often than not, the physically disciplined party has no idea why did it recieve the punishment and it's all for naught. it's better to talk things through, specially since kids, contrary to animals, actually do understand the words coming out of your mouth.
additionally, positive conditioning has way better results than negative conditioning. so please, don't physically punish your kids.
additionally, positive conditioning has way better results than negative conditioning. so please, don't physically punish your kids.
Calm the hell down, news media 7 comments
· 9 years ago
oh, sorry. i didn't know i was supposed to laugh at the notion of dying really soon, happiness or no happiness. sort of seemed a bit dumb to me. you're right tho, it is supposed to be fun around here so props to you for trying. *thumbs up*
Just FYI ladies 45 comments
· 9 years ago
fyi, everybody: wearing heals is not sexy because it causes pain and eventually, permanent deformations.
Respect the blocks 10 comments
· 9 years ago
if you bought it, you can eat it whichever way you want. making up problems about how to eat chocolate the right way means you've got too much time and too much chocolate on your hands. it doesn't even qualify as 1st world problem because it's not a problem.
Don't ask for nude pics 11 comments
· 9 years ago
well, he's really rocking that bra. goes well with his tattoos and beard. :D
Supernatural: TV show, or country album? 6 comments
· 9 years ago
given the baby episode, it's sort of really more of a country album :D
It's not so bad since 25th is still top ten 20 comments
· 9 years ago
as an european student i can tell you our professors constantly, and i do mean constantly, rant about how we have zero confidence and how we should be more like americans (loads of our professors had some experience with usa, some half-vacations or whatnot they've been taking). it's hilarious if you think about it.
Halloween dog 6 comments
· 9 years ago
if i saw that walking towards me in the evening i'd legit shit my pants.
Calm the hell down, news media 7 comments
· 9 years ago
actually, it's called stress. worrying about how bacon might kill you will probably kill you before bacon even gets a chance. however, eating bacon non-stop will definitelly kill you before you get a chance to worry about it. it's all about good measure, folks.
unmanly, you say? 19 comments
· 9 years ago
basically because that means he regularly tends to the needs of another living thing besides himself so he can't be completely, outrageously, 100% irresponsible, right? :D
unmanly, you say? 19 comments
· 9 years ago
maybe she simply didn't have all the facts to review. give her a chance, come on.
Don't be a jerk 25 comments
· 9 years ago
honestly, you've got it all wrong. this is why some people should gently teach their kids respect and how important it is to be kind to others.
beating won't solve jack.
beating won't solve jack.
Old tyme tough guy 4 comments
· 9 years ago
They certainly do not, However, if you punch people in bony areas hard enough with a fist you're pretty likely to crack a metacarpal or two. Repetitive punching will make it hurt like hell, rendering the whole gig pretty useless.
So, you know, you might consider a verbal version of a confrontation. I've heard mouths never run out of ammo...if you're smart enough.
So, you know, you might consider a verbal version of a confrontation. I've heard mouths never run out of ammo...if you're smart enough.
Friend sent this... Didn't go as planned for this guy 7 comments
· 9 years ago
i don't get it, what was the guy aiming for? a bucket of compliments, sprinkled with love with a side of nudes? seriously?
No, you give YOUR post a title! 16 comments
Happening right now 4 comments
A left-handed student wrote this with her right hand 24 comments
· 9 years ago
oh my god, so sorry, i was simply trying to be funny, i did not intend to stir up your nitpicking instincts, heartfelt apologies to you, sir