

— LindsMolinari Report User
Boss 16 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
is this post marked nsfw because of a naked barbie doll
what has the world come to
*shake* HEY LOOK POPCORN! 4 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
what cat, all i see is a strangely brown eggplant.
A left-handed student wrote this with her right hand 24 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
i couldn't write like this using my both hands, mouth and ass simoultaneously, so... I DECLARE THIS TO BE WITCHRAFT!! *pile of wood crackling malevolently in the distance*
Explain this to me 46 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
it was on purpose, yes. am terribly glad to be of entertainment. less glad to see that you managed to skip over the point completely but one can't have everything, can they.
Explain this to me 46 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
personally, i think it takes balls for doing both, handiling radiating stuff and declaring to the whole world that you're a woman but used to have a penis. Marie Curie was a scientist, yes, her work tood additional brains and shit but I don't think Jenner should be belliteled. She did make a step towards the world getting more familiar with transgenderness. This is important for many transgendered people out there. Not saying it'll save as many lives as x-rays did but... I don't think we should just spit on everything that doesn't seem incredibly important on first sight.
Say whatever you want but I do not have that much courage as it would take to do the Jenner thing. Not so publically, at least. Do you?
Confusing little shit 3 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
apparently this is what i mindlessly&completely fall for. :B
b*sty crustaceans!! 21 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
aye, thank you, mate!
The poorest president in the world is also the coolest 40 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
@ kiltur, darling, i'm sorry to have to say this but you suck. sorry! try to suck less please! i believe in you! one day you might actually come up with a viable arguemnt. it is not this day, tho. sorry.
After reading these reviews, I think I should buy this as soon as possible 13 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
somebody should give these people a prize. perhaps a banana split or something XD
The poorest president in the world is also the coolest 40 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
please come up with at least one thing that would have improoved for his country and his people if he were wearing a suit.
Crazy cat dad renovates his house 9 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
b*sty crustaceans!! 21 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
could someone please explain it to me what's the point of the 4th one with the cows?
The poorest president in the world is also the coolest 40 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
He doesn't need a suit because he doesn't need to look good and crispy and oh-such-a-nobel-neat-person. He doesn't need a good-looking wrapper because his actions speak for themselves. People who are full of shit can wear silk armani to conceal it and they're still full of shit. This man can wear goddamn sandals with socks and he'd still inspire utmost respect and gratitude. Do you see my point, mate?
Respect indeed 34 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
if you can do winged eyeliner, i'll get a marching band to play an ode in your honour. ^^
Respect indeed 34 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
People deserve respect based on their actions, their behaviour, not their looks. Saying a girl with no makeup should be respected more than a girl wearing makeup is idiotic.
ps: you obviously never tried to put eyeliner on. now, that's a skill that deserves some respect.
In case of difficult day, apply floor to the face 7 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
these speak to me on a very deep emotional level
· Edited 9 years ago
A sense of humor's always important 5 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
Dan, how about no.
Why is the kid crying 19 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
I've spent the last week binge watching the walking dead and i tell you, no number of schreeching zombies in there could prepare me for the monsters on these pictures!!! *runs away screaming*
His expression though! 3 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
it's a serious problem when your smiling face looks like crap and your serious face looks like you're about to kill someone. only solution i've found so far is to always keep a pair of shades on your person and put them on whenever your presence on a picture is required.
How ironic 52 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
as a future doctor, i am so grateful that you don't think i should work for free. gee, thanks mate!
How ironic 52 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
So you're saying that being bitter over striking unfairness of modern society suddenly makes me an asshole now? Dashing.
Boss finally delivers 9 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
exactly. it's sad, really.
Those shoes though 24 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
they're all made of some sort of plastic or something. it grows boring. :P not to mention, it would be impossible to wear them.
It matters A LOT 10 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
well, if you're gonna compare the perfectly-taken, full-makeup + effects + filer beard photo to a candid, non-edited clean-shaven photo, it's going to be a real fucking mystery as to which will look better. -.-
How ironic 52 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
hey, dumbass, let me tell you a thing.
watching sports tv isn't vital for being alive. breathing is. Becham assists with the first, I intend to assist with the latter. Now, which one of us poor fuckers should be appreciated more and paid better?
Also, i see you want to talk about attitude? first off, i'm not studying to become a smiling machine/empathy-dispenser. i'm studying to become the person that shoves fingers up people's smelly asses in order to prevent them from dying of colo-rectal/prostate cancer. i don't have to appreciate what makes my patients happy. I don't even have to like my patients. you probably find that unbecoming of a med student, yeah, i get it. Well, in my eyes, condoning a world where people like Kardashians or some soccer player get payed fucktons of money just for existing while nurses, road workers, doctors, teachers and others have to constantly fight to be paid fairly, that's fucking unbecoming of a decent human being.