

— LindsMolinari Report User
How ironic 52 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
keep in minds that doctors tend to die from stress at around 50 or so.
· Edited 9 years ago
Entrance to heaven 9 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
@ will graham
The only child Halloween costumes that matter. 5 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
personally, i'd prefer my children to be happy waring some random, totally un-clever shit but that's just me, you know, i have this weird ideas about how kids are actually living beings on their own and not some sort of a fashion accessory used to brag about to your fellow mums. like i said, i'm so weird, right, i mean, ugh, i'd make such a horrid parent, right?
How freshmen should be greeted on their first day of high school 15 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
honestly, have you ever been to uni? that's hell. colledge is sort of, the foyer of purgatory.
How ironic 52 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
i have something to propose: if your life would be worth nothing to you, were it not for watching sports on tv, please wear a medical bracelet signifying that. we'll make sure we first save all the other people who'd appreciate life even if they'd never see another football match again.
sincerely, your future over-worked, super-stressed and underpaid doctor
ps: in case you meant that as in 'life would sooo suck if i weren't able to chase my son across the park or jogg or play tennis with mum', that's sort of understandable. if you meant it as in 'watching sports + sports culture etc', i'll be expecting you to buy a new piece of jewellery really soon.
Why not?? 3 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
actually, i don't know and i'm afraid to know but the sex-age is dropping so dramatically, we might soon have to have sex-ed in kindergarten. -.-
I want this knife stand! 8 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
I'll just leave this here... 70 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
Just do what you like and if someone gives you bullshit over it, EAT THEM. Then continue with whatever you were doing that was making you happy.
You're gonna go far, kid 27 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
i would so slam the doors in his face the very first time i'd have a chance... but then i'm a bitter individual in a rather grumpy mood.
The Apennine Colossus in Florence, Italy 3 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
why is all of the beautiful, inspiring artistic shit located exclusively in the goddamn citta di firenze, italia??
Have some union 10 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
so, would you like the feels kinfe you've just stuck in my heart back or should i keep it?
Why not?? 3 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
this might be weird but it does accuratelly picture how most women think.
i realise it's a flawed way of thinking but i strongly suspect it's not as muc our fault (the fault of women) than it is the society's fault. women are so sexualized, it makes it really weird if a man doesn't want to have sex with them. i mean, why is that half naked girl in the gillete commercial? because men like looking at her... because if they could, they'd bang her.
we are so preoccupied with this sex thing, it's incredible. (in case you think we live in a society that is not putting way too much meaning in sex, please interview the nearest virgin to you and ask them how pleasant life gets once people find out you've been existing for more than a decade and are still a virgin.)
Really? Even at college? 5 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
God calls that reason "money, parents on high positions and discreet lawyers in expensive suits". You're welcome.
The most gruesome halloween mask ever 15 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
it seems to be quite anatomically correct, I applaud the artist!!
Godzilla's take your child to work day 18 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
technically, godzilla is both, a he and a she.
Wait wat? 25 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
You're making fun out of me. Not appreciated.
Hormone therapy, as much as I know, only goes so far. I would genuinely appreciate some actual data on this since the OP didn't bother to provide a source. Thank you!
Photographer Atif Saeed risked his life for this shot 11 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
I guess all the 'just a big pussycat' stuff was to get people to sympathize more.... which is idiotic, considering that lions, as ana endangered species, deserve sympathy and help, regardless of their similarities to our pets or their cuteness. There's all kinds of weird, ugly animal species that are on the brink of extinction and they deserve to be preserved, too, despite the fat that they don't render pretty, cute pictures in nature magazines. Still, it's in human nature to lean towards the cute, cuddly things, hence the comparisons to house cats, I assume.
This makeup artist is amazing 18 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
on the other hand, i cannot apply eyeliner.
Photographer Atif Saeed risked his life for this shot 11 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
they are killers but they also are pretty helpless against a rifle, don't you think.
XD 20 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
cue to horse-fucking jokes
Wait wat? 25 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
somebody please explain it to me how is it possible for a woman in menopause to have a functional uterus capable of growing a baby for 9 months. hormonal imbalance in menopause causes the uterus and ovaries to literarly wither away so, how is this possible? thank you in advance!
Godzilla's take your child to work day 18 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
this is so adorable i might actually cry. you don't understand, i always root for godzilla in the film, i always feel terrible when they blow her to bits, it's awful. and when they fry her babies?!? that's just beyond fucking words, i mean... can't humanity just go extinct for a bit, it's huge-lizard time again.
I'd watch that 9 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
It might me I'm too tired to think clearly but Hiddelston looks like he's the third brother that is into whips and leather. I assume he had a special note in his file in the Magnussen's archives, saying: "porn preference: NEEDS JESUS"
Going in for my first job interview tomorrow! Wish me luck! 7 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
My friend's sister is also having her interview tomorrow, I wish both of you best of luck! :)
Hell yeah 19 comments
lindsmolinari · 9 years ago
unfortunatelly, people like to percieve the cussing as a very godawful, horrid thing and proceed to dislike us or refuse to be our friends. they do not have a chance to discover any honesty or straightforwardness or anything because they just walk in the opposit direction as soon as they hear something ungodly.
sincerely, a person who says 'fuck' a really fucking lot