Elizabeth Flatoff


— Elizabeth Flatoff Report User
Just don't come up with incest things 4 comments
libby11 · 7 years ago
Why would he need it at 98?
Hidden room in the new house 5 comments
libby11 · 7 years ago
It is lotr
When you have a sibling 4 comments
libby11 · 7 years ago
I'm an identical twin and it is so annoying, I mean, I know most people don't do it on purpose, BUT COME ON. We have 2 very different styles and personalities
This is how you spot an alien 27 comments
libby11 · 7 years ago
Have you actually tried it!? It's delicious!!
If you do this I hope you step on a lego 10 comments
libby11 · 7 years ago
Some cheese and ketchup on any pasta is delicious
I drink redbull and still manage to sleep 10 comments
libby11 · 7 years ago
Me too, I don't even get headaches or anything
Lord of the rings 4 comments
libby11 · 7 years ago
Lol literally watching that scene right now, it's tradition to watch the whole trilogy over winter break
Draw blood 1 comments
libby11 · 7 years ago
I gave blood yesterday and literally was unable to function, as in had to lay on a cot, for over an hour because I reacted so bad. NEVER AGAIN
2 · Edited 7 years ago
Alan Turing, everyone 18 comments
libby11 · 7 years ago
No but his ideas led directly to the invention of the computer
Coincidence? I think not 6 comments
libby11 · 7 years ago
Do you realize people are actually voting against her and or others because of what they wear not what they say or do?
Coincidence? I think not 6 comments
libby11 · 7 years ago
Wait till you adult 20 comments
libby11 · 7 years ago
I'm not saying being an adult is easy obviously. However, I'm saying being a teen isn't a cake walk either. Both of which you need to accept, your life and status isn't the only thing that is hard. I'm sure being an adult brings a lot of challenages but also a lot of freedoms and right now I wish I had those freedoms, that doesn't make me naive to adult problems and challenges just because I'm a teenager. Who by the way is almost an adult.
1 · Edited 7 years ago
Wait till you adult 20 comments
libby11 · 7 years ago
Way more than a Teenager at least
· Edited 7 years ago
Wait till you adult 20 comments
libby11 · 7 years ago
I love learning, however, I hate the school I go to full of rich snobs who bully and belittle. I have tried to get out for FOUR years but my parents make me go. When I said I would drop out or run away I hated it so much they took me to the police stations dm said there GO in and and find a new family. Don't tell me I haven't tried to change. At least as an adult you can do what YOU want.
Wait till you adult 20 comments
libby11 · 7 years ago
Its not our fault you chose a job you hate. I have no choice of going to school, you have a choice of where you work.
Precious wedding cake topper 3 comments
libby11 · 8 years ago
I love this idea!!!
What an interesting man.. 11 comments
libby11 · 8 years ago
So were the trix ones
You are not understanding 4 comments
libby11 · 8 years ago
Ok, I take 6 IB classes, not by choice my parents make me, plus 2 other classes, 2 of the 6 are sciences, plus a math yes and I have to do an extended essay an internal for every class and at least 3 papers for every IB class. I manage my time and study and I AM STILL STRESSED. If I could "choose" to do less I would, but I can't, which is something you guys obviously don't understand.
Wanna hug ? 14 comments
libby11 · 8 years ago
Wanna hug ? 14 comments
libby11 · 8 years ago
Honestly I don't like hugs, being touched and squeezed against someone makes me uncomfortable
How about just being who you are? 123 comments
libby11 · 8 years ago
I'm not trying to be mean, I just think if the stereotypes when away then girls can be girls but act like boys, they then don't have to say they want to be called a boy.
How about just being who you are? 123 comments
libby11 · 8 years ago
How about just being who you are? 123 comments
libby11 · 8 years ago
Labels shouldn't define people. That's the problem. People come up with gender fluid BECAUSE THEY DONT FIT THE LABELS. Get rid of stereotypical boy and girl things let people be who they are personally. However, and hate me if you want, they are still a girl or boy unless they are transgender. You can wake up one day and be a girl and the next a boy.