Impressions 5 comments
· 8 years ago
Their friendship is the stuff of legend!
Bear has to walk on two legs due to injured limbs 3 comments
· 8 years ago
I really hope someone called animal control so they could get that bear some help. It's obviously having trouble hunting for its own food or else it wouldn't be so desperate as to mingle with humans. Black bears are more timid and afraid of humans than brown bears, they like their food dead or easy to over power and kill.
Maybe it's special edition... 19 comments
He was then taken to a shelter 21 comments
· 8 years ago
He was 7 months old we couldn't put him down. Plus suggestions from trainers were mixed, only one lightly suggested we put him down. He's told others to definitely put their dogs down but he was on the fence with ours. He mostly bit us but while he was at a 3 week training camp he bit the trainers there, but when we picked him up the ones he bit kinda wanted to take him off our hands. His small size and cuteness is probably what is keeping him alive right now. From what we can tell, hes now at his 4th shelter.
He was then taken to a shelter 21 comments
· 8 years ago
We had to give away a dog. He bit and drew blood a few times,the final straw was the third trainer telling us he could train him but it'd take months and a lot of money. Other trainers told us he'd get worse, he seemed to be holding back when he bite. We found someone to take him. He was a very cute dog: small, white, with fox like ears and tail. She'd liked the look of him and said her mom really wanted a cute small dog. We gave her all the paperwork, phone numbers, and emails between different trainers. The shelter that matched her with us told her that if she couldn't handle it,to call them and they'd take him back or help her with training for free. We told her his complete history, what sets him off, what body language to look out for, and tips trainer told us. For 2 hours. A month later we get a email from a shelter who picked him up off the side of a road. I texted her and she says she moved and her apt didn't allow dogs. Fucking garbage humans.
To all the overweight people out there who are too self-conscious to go to the gym 19 comments
· 8 years ago
I have to consciously stop myself from yelling "You go girl!! Keep it up! You look good!" to bigger folks (man or woman) I pass. I think people are mean/grumpy because they can't let their sweet innocent kid selves out due to social pressure...
What would her hooker name be? 12 comments
· 9 years ago
I'd rather be accused of being a person who has consensual sex with others for money, than a racist moron with a hate group known for killing innocent people backing me because they see me as one of their own.
Can someone from Texas pls confirm 42 comments
· 9 years ago
I used to hate sharing popcorn with my mom because once we went through half the bag, she'd put a half eaten pickle in the bag so the popcorn had a pickle flavor. Blaaaagh.
I think this is pretty cool 5 comments
My Opinion on the Cecil Story 52 comments
· 9 years ago
Point to where I said I didn't care about the suffering of people in true need? I'm really fucking tired of people assuming that a person can be angry about only one thing. I'm so sorry that your brain capacity is so limited that you can only focus and try to fix one world wide problem at a time. Moron. Your sitting on your fat Ass arguing with people online when there are so many issue that need to be addressed. You're not fucking helping by telling people that one issue is more important than another. There all fucking bad!! This earth is in a bad way! We need to spread awareness about. Every. Single. Issue. That's the only way we're gonna get anywhere.
My Opinion on the Cecil Story 52 comments
· 9 years ago
Are you people really this dense or are you all joking? So you're telling me that you don't know that lions are endangered as in there are less than 30,000 in the ENTIRE world. Seriously Fuck you people. There are more people in my shitty town than there are lions left on the planet. And it wasn't just one lion. If y'all knew anything about how lion packs behave you'd know that if his cubs were young, the next pack leader will kill them to make way for his own blood line. So that's his children dead and the mothers who try to defend their cubs will get injured. Hes damaged the whole package because of his fucking ego. Hes also lied about illegally hunting before so don't give me that shit that he didn't know that lion was on protected land. He shot it with an arrow as to not alert anyone and left it bleeding out for 40 hours. This guys a sick piece of shit and I hope he gets his jail time of 10 years.
Yes, I want this so much 13 comments
Cue the arguments 27 comments
· 10 years ago
Girls who do that are assholes, and those so called "feminists" who use gender inequality as an excuse to bash men are assholes. Can we just call it like we see it and call everyone assholes?
Best movie theater meal combo 13 comments
Not sorry. Not one bit 12 comments
· 10 years ago
I work at a grocery store and when rude people have food that needs to be weighed, I'll change the weight so it cost at least $3 more. Be nice to cashiers/servers people!
I didn't know how to respond 2 comments
Totally works 9 comments
Blink 182 8 comments
· 10 years ago
Uhhh did anyone else think that was a transgender person when they were younger? This is making me question everything I thought I knew up to this point. Honestly I thought that was a dragqueen but now I see the boobs O.O
This is so beautifully evil 18 comments
· 10 years ago
At first the stems looked like spiders to me. Took me a sec to see the heirloom tomatoes.
Where to hide a safe 2 comments
· 10 years ago
I find it weird when a post makes it to the popular page without any comments.
An awesome, selfless, human being 15 comments
· 10 years ago
Why did she hide the passports? Were the hijackers going to use them somehow? Why is this the first I've heard of this amazing woman?
Why Isn't This Everywhere? 18 comments
· 11 years ago
I know they roam philly near temple, they have a cookie truck that acts like an ice cream truck. Me and my friends tried for hours to find it before we found out they had stores and delivered. They're also near Villanova.