Same here. Literally. 15 comments
· 9 years ago
definitely not.. first in the class.. not fun at all..
How to get JK Rowling to comment on your post, 10 comments
· 9 years ago
or we could raise our kids to know that you shouldn't bully people.. of course it will not stop all bullies.. but as Ive seen it, many bullies have parents that see no wrong in bullying / teasing etc.. why change the names that we like? then we might as well change anything that stands out/ is considered "different", oh what a boring world..
A reminder that Africa is beautiful. 14 comments
· 9 years ago
love when I forget to log in! (Isn't Tunisia a pretty common place to visit as well?Or is it just that we Swedes have very different holiday destinations)
Edited 9 years ago
Weird things that are banned around the world 48 comments
· 9 years ago
In Sweden free speech is really important, but it never gets prioritised over "hets mot folkgrupp".. which I found difficult to translate but that google says is "hate speech" or "incitement to racial hatred" .. which is why WBC don't like us as a priest was imprisoned here for a while after holding a homophobic speech during mass..
U don't know shit yet 10 comments
· 9 years ago
As an IB alumn I feel you.. compared to other students you will have an easier transition to Uni tho.. (at least in my experience in Sweden)
White girls be like 6 comments
· 9 years ago
well we Swedes do like our coffee quite strong.. so I don't know if we qualify.. in my family if we make coffee thats too weak people break down and cry (yes, its happened).. and only time it is even a bit see-through is when we pour alcohol in it (kaffe-kask, or kaffe karlsson).
Typical snow days 27 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah we also have great busses, trains, trams etc. but it might be a stereotype, but the perception one have of americans (yes very broad term generalizing everyone now) is that there aren't that many that walk or bike places.. not even to the supermarket.. It might be Sweden just tho, cause we have specific bike paths everywhere (which I noticed doesn't exist to the same extent in neither Australia nor England when I lived there for example).. but I get you when my work was 15 minutes away by car (and I had one) I used to hate the days that I couldn't use it and had to bike (took me about 50 minutes.. all uphill)
Typical snow days 27 comments
· 9 years ago
its scary how dependent you need to be on your car.. i bike to school and work every day (should probably get snow tires tho.. its getting really interesting) .. we don't have snow days in Sweden, but of course if those existed it would occur way to often, we do however need to take an ice test before getting our drivers license. Its a lot of fun! Basically an entire day spent driving on different ice textures, learning how to "read the road", and ultimately how to make a quick stop on ice (my instructor yelled "Moose!" and we had to pretend a moose ran up on the road in front of us) and make a full stop on less than 20 meters driving 70 km/h.. (22 yards , 44 miles/hour)
Girls are majestic f*cking creatures 48 comments
Girls are majestic f*cking creatures 48 comments
As long as we never skip class 16 comments
· 9 years ago
My family pays more taxes than the average Swede, my dad never complains.. he thinks of it as still paying of my medical bills from when I was born.. Both me and my brother goes to university for free, and receives monthly grants as we are students.. in fact all education is free, even private education, dental was free until 19, medical is almost free (may have to pay a fee of equivalent 10 USD when visiting the doctors), we have great public transportation, when you have a child you can stay home for 1.5 years with almost full pay.. yeah I know its not a popular opinion here but Im pretty okay with our high taxes.. as long as they don't make them even higher..
The town I live in is quite beautiful 26 comments
· 9 years ago
Still as beautiful! Today both when I went to the gym and back the nordic lights were on display and the stars shone bright.
This couple is adorable 6 comments
Having kids is out the window 2 comments
· 9 years ago
In some ways I fear the day I'll be a parent simply for the late night "muuuuuum" calls.. I've watched too many scary movies
Edited 9 years ago
The sun in the north 9 comments
· 9 years ago
41°c is no fun either.. it is -15°c (5°f) here.. and I biked home from work for 40 minutes without hat or gloves.. took about an hour and a really warm shower before I regained complete feeling in my hands..
*facepalms* 8 comments
· 9 years ago
I'm not a car expert by any means.. at least I google a car before commenting it.. (And I know my dream car: Volvo P1800. )
No one should have to steal to eat 17 comments
· 9 years ago
Perhaps I've only worked with friends (but tbh I havnt at all jobs), but I would never steal someone's food.. You work with that person.. And lunch hour is sacred.. You don't ruin lunch
The sun in the north 9 comments
· 9 years ago
Is it only swedes that can relate to this? haha :P My university has a lightroom that you can go to that will act like the sun. 10 minutes of sunlight 3 days a week is apparently enough do. So I would recommend sitting outside during lunch :P
The sun in the north 9 comments
· 9 years ago
yeah.. thats exactly it.. but I love it :P Sitting up at 3am and the sun is still up.. way better than now!