Sweden 6 hour work days 30 comments
· 9 years ago
Definitely not a retail store thing.. we might not have 24/7 grocery stores all over Sweden.. but 7-23 is pretty alright.. they did some tests on 6hr office work hours, but it is by far not a standard here in Sweden, this is a classic " I just read the title of a thesis and decided it was true" sort of thing.
Edited 9 years ago
Pray for whole world, not just Paris. 49 comments
· 9 years ago
agree with mopargirl.. its sad to say, but thats how it is. It hits close to home. I have many friends who live in Paris (all of them safe and sound). I skyped with one of them just hours before the attack, so naturally it does shake me quite a bit when this happens.. Of course you care about other cities that are being attacked too.. but it is "shit on shit" as tylerchu says below.. and when Paris got attacked I was reminded that we are not safe in a little bubble..
Scandinavian heroes 16 comments
· 9 years ago
Noooo... all are like that. that's what the comic says.. (although pretty spot on with the Scandinavians)
It now gets dark by 5pm thanks to daylight savings time 5 comments
· 9 years ago
When it's winter you set the clock back, so what should be 7 is now 6, as the sun rises later .. And people should get as much sun as possible (I assume) During summer it's the opposite..
Edited 9 years ago
Sweden 6 hour work days 30 comments
· 9 years ago
yeah I think it was an experiment ... but nothing that is a set standard..
Sweden 6 hour work days 30 comments
So true 20 comments
· 9 years ago
I check all bills but the smallest ones at work, we have to. I usually explain that it's because of the customers safety as well. I don suspect any person in particular, more that they might accidentally carry counterfeits. We get counterfeits more often than people understand. (But now we have new bills, starting in October so it will be less)
America... 20 comments
· 9 years ago
And if we could spend some more on our prisons that would be great, perhaps not give them MORE benefits, but actually keep them in longer..
America... 20 comments
· 9 years ago
True.. Luckily not that big of a debt compared to many other countries.. (So many ppl with smaller loans) And we do have very small interest on the loan.. Many of my friends choose not to take loans, only the grant, so the attitude towards student debt is slowly changing.
Edited 9 years ago
It already looks magical! 31 comments
Compliments: Men vs. Women 6 comments
· 9 years ago
My guyfriends act like the women in this tho.. I often hear "no homo" from other guys (not my friends) after a compliment however.. and from the girls perspective.. so accurate.. yaas
Chionophile 22 comments
· 9 years ago
Rebecca what?! Where do you live? It was -10 here today and that's cold for October... (At least I think it is!)
Target. Please stop 8 comments
· 9 years ago
My neighbour put up their christmas tree yesterday.. granted we dont really celebrate Halloween to the same extent as americans.. and dont have thanksgiving.. (still think its too early tho).. but most stores now sell christmas decorations. and yes.. ive bought some.. My work also had a "christmas" meeting yesterday to prepare for November-December... :P
Chionophile 22 comments
· 9 years ago
However walking home in - 5 tonight as my gears on my bike were frozen wasnt super fun (phone died because of cold too)... but I sure do love it!
Chionophile 22 comments
· 9 years ago
Whenever someone writes Canada immediately when something cold is being discussed.. Im sitting over here like "What about Sweeeeeden?"