If we can all just collectively stop caring, that would be great 32 comments
· 9 years ago
I highly disagree with this. Racism is still a massive problem in the U.S. today and ignoring it wouldn't help anything, all it would do would keep the status quo, which obviously is not ok.
How economy works 13 comments
· 9 years ago
yes they employ a lot of people but many many of those people only get paid minimum wage which is not nearly enough to live off of
love wins:D 56 comments
· 9 years ago
So just because it's unfair otherwise you think that a country formed to protect slavery should be celebrated?
love wins:D 56 comments
· 9 years ago
Actually I disagree. I think that slavery was far and away the biggest factor in both secession and the war. Yes it was about state rights, but the state right that was by far the most important was the ability to allow slavery. Because of this, I highly doubt that the Confederacy would quickly abolish the institution that it was created in large part to protect. Sure they might have abolished slavery a few decades later, but definitely not within a few years. All that I'm saying is that people shouldn't celebrate a nation that was created in large part to continue the institution of slavery.
love wins:D 56 comments
· 9 years ago
im sorry but I don't really understand that. Why would you wear something that you don't support? That doesn't really make too much sense to me
Edited 9 years ago
love wins:D 56 comments
· 9 years ago
ok. That's fair. But many of the supporters/users of the confederate flag use it in support of what it represents, not as a reasonable reminder of the history
love wins:D 56 comments
· 9 years ago
but celebrating it? Not forgetting our history and the war are all great but I don't think that we should celebrate a state that was formed to protect the right to own slaves
love wins:D 56 comments
· 9 years ago
kyr I see what you're saying, but to many people the confederate flag gives a message of hate because the confederacy was formed over the issue of slavery and many modern hate groups also employ the confederate flag
love wins:D 56 comments
· 9 years ago
hicorynut2 you do realize that the south secceeded and the civil war started because the south wanted slavery to continue while the north did not
Fenns job comps- working at game 5 comments
· 9 years ago
Why was the Filipino bride dude not arrested or something? Wouldn't a child bride be kind of illegal in the U.S.?
How aliens see us 7 comments
· 9 years ago
Unfortunately, because a whole lot of good it did us. The crusades, the holocaust, ISIS
Finnish school are the best 18 comments
Cats are assh*les 5 comments
As a short guy, this is painfully true 32 comments
· 9 years ago
No. Most guys actually don't like insanely skinny girls, just girls who don't have excessive fat. The real problem is that it's socially acceptable for girls to totally out guys down because there short, and guys can't politely say no to a heavier girl. Being overweight is something that can be unhealthy, and it's always possible to lose weight. That's not the case with being short, as you can do absolutely nothing to grow taller.
Whose side are you on 80 comments
· 9 years ago
Definitely the brother. If somebody breaks a $60 item, you should be able to punch them
Hey baby, wanna kill all humans? 3 comments
· 9 years ago
But then it would effectively get killed because the goal of creating ai "failed"
Please, read a science book once 56 comments
I'm H*rny 9 comments
· 9 years ago
really. You would rape somebody if it was socially acceptable. Like that's something you would do?
Anyone who says that is lying 20 comments
Anyone who says that is lying 20 comments
· 9 years ago
Just because you value intelligence more than physical beauty doesn't mean that you will date a smart person you find unattractive. It's not as if you don't value physical beauty and want to be attractive to your so
Please, read a science book once 56 comments
· 9 years ago
how is stating the fact that many people believe that there is no proof for God and therefore don't believe that God exists is damaging or offensive?