Match box 11 comments
· 10 years ago
Someone burn that!
9 interesting facts about dreams 19 comments
I challenge someone to make a FunSubstance app 25 comments
Punch dat n*gga 44 comments
· 10 years ago
Best part is..."under God" was added over 60 years after the original pledge was written.
Friendly gang of animals 7 comments
· 10 years ago
This is the most magical thing I have ever seen. Turtles are not vegetarians.
Jaden 17 comments
Snail ritual 17 comments
· 10 years ago
I would call off work if this happened to me and just sit there watching them all day....
Gotta love the education system, kid is too smart, better dumb him down 29 comments
· 10 years ago
Yeah. As an educator as well, I learned about this thing called individualized instruction. Students learn at different levels and some learn faster and come to school with more knowledge. Teachers do not use enough scaffolding and student interest to plan their lessons so children learn to hate school. It was a sad day when my 5 year old came home from kindergarten and said he hated school and never wanted to go back because he was bored. He was bored of doing 900 math worksheets in school this year (he did, I have them all). He was bored of having to read at the level he was when he was 2.5 and he was bored because he never got to move or do any learning that was not taught to the whole group.
Good tip 1 comments
Adorable little monk 13 comments
· 10 years ago
You are imposing your westernized views on a group of religions and tribal belief systems that we have lumped together and called "Buddhist." Just as many people would not consider "amaZioni" to be a Christian religion, many people who identify with the Buddhist religion hold views that different from the main stream understanding of Buddhism.