

I'm nineteen, and studying to be an elementary school teacher. That's all you need to know for now (:

— leahmroy Report User
Soul mates 129 comments
leahmroy · 10 years ago
Yayyy, thank you (:
Soul mates 129 comments
leahmroy · 10 years ago
I took a deep breath and looked at my wrist. The numbers read 0-0-57. I was just in time. Death was punctual, and so was I. I looked up at the moon, marveling for the last time at it's soft luminance and silent beauty, and then I leaned gently over the edge. For you, my stranger, I thought silently. A parting gift for someone who just be amazing. I closed my eyes as I began to fall, already imagining the cold water crushing my bones and stealing my breath from me. Would death be as cold and sweet as I had always imagined?
I would never know.
Warm hands grabbed my arm with amazing strength, and I gasped as I swung and hit the concrete edge of the dam. I looked up in shock; above me, a pale, beautiful face looked down determinedly. He had light grey eyes and a shock of dark hair, and I watched as his jaw locked in concentration. He began to pull me up, his light eyes flashing as they met mine.
"Don't leave me," he gasped. "Don't leave me before I know you, love."
Soul mates 129 comments
leahmroy · 10 years ago
So when the numbers on my wrist reached single digits, I set in motion the plan I had made in order to save a stranger from the misery that was me. The night I left my apartment was cold and dark, with only a crescent moon to light my way. My breath left my mouth in crystallized puffs, and the streets were empty and forlorn. My steps echoed as I approached the dam; the great roar of water was like a symphony in my ears. When I reached the edge, I peered over and paused. The water far below was a great dark mass, and the darkness looked comforting and safe. I would be safe there, and my soulmate would be safe from me.
Soul mates 129 comments
leahmroy · 10 years ago
When the clocks were introduced, all I felt was bitterness. The world I'd know was cold and grey, and the numbers ticking down on my wrist seemed like a mockery of the happiness I could never reach. Whoever my supposed "soulmate" was, I felt sorry for them. I was just a raw, exhausted soul trapped in this unremarkable shell; all I would be able to offer them were the countless scars from my self-abuse and a lifetime of despairing depression. Whoever they were, they deserved someone better. This soulmate business was an abyss for someone who could actually have happiness.
im just gonna leave this here 62 comments
leahmroy · 10 years ago
My English teacher in grade ten used to take pictures of people who fell asleep and make it her desktop picture so she could "shame" them when she used the projector
In Canada, hockey's more important than classes 18 comments
leahmroy · 10 years ago
Yay, this is in my city (: hockey ftw!
Famous Movie and TV Show Home Floorplans 15 comments
leahmroy · 10 years ago
Wow I never noticed that! That's so true lol
Gas prices repercussions 6 comments
leahmroy · 10 years ago
Fuck yeah, heelies!
I think I'm that girl on the far right 10 comments
leahmroy · 10 years ago
That guy in the front reminded me of Chloe
Hannibal: Yo mother's so fat Hannibal wouldn't eat her 10 comments
leahmroy · 10 years ago
I cried cuz I can actually visualize Benedict Cumberbatch saying that
Boy's answer to just girly things 5 comments
leahmroy · 10 years ago
Well if he is thinking of you, he's probably wondering why the heck you spend your free time in cardboard boxes.
He ate everything he could reach 2 comments
leahmroy · 10 years ago
A giraffe's gotta do what a giraffe's gotta do.
Carefully cultivated 9 comments
leahmroy · 10 years ago
How thoughhhh
Mr. Duck 6 comments
leahmroy · 10 years ago
Mr. Duck 6 comments
leahmroy · 10 years ago
Buzz Hickey, if your caught up with the latest season.
Creative Parenting 10 comments
leahmroy · 10 years ago
Is it bothering anyone else that a strand of her hair got left out
Apparently there is. -.- 9 comments
leahmroy · 10 years ago
I wanna be friends with the second commenter.
Stuffed Hair by Ahmad El-Abi 8 comments
leahmroy · 10 years ago
I just wanna know how he got the bubbles to stay intact in his hair
Mr. Duck 6 comments
leahmroy · 10 years ago
Did anyone else think of community when they saw this?
What else would she want 13 comments
leahmroy · 10 years ago
I loved this game!
Ninja transmission 6 comments
leahmroy · 10 years ago
I think I would like this more if I could actually pull a sword from there when my enemies attack.
Fight my children, FIGHT 3 comments
leahmroy · 10 years ago
Soon we will be ready for world domination
School bathrooms are deep 10 comments
leahmroy · 10 years ago
Doing that repetitively might take it's toll though
When someone sits next to me on an empty bus 8 comments
leahmroy · 11 years ago
stranger danger!!
Your move 10 comments
leahmroy · 11 years ago
Buttttttttttt Spongebob has been a successful TV show for like ten years though