I was a guest forever, so I finally decided to get an account before guest's lose commenting rights.
— LazyButCozy Report User
Thanks but no 58 comments
· 9 years ago
The better way is to say "no thanks, I'm not hungry right now"
Step up your game, billionaires 26 comments
Almost every attractive guy.. 56 comments
fun fact 13 comments
· 9 years ago
So basically, when I was babysitting this FOUR YEAR OLD girl she was taking the play dishes salt and pepper and shaking them over a cookie she had put on a baby doll's lap. She told me she was "putting it on the baby so he would taste better" and I asked if she meant she was putting it on the baby's food so it would taste better and she explained "no, I'm going to eat the baby." She proceeded to use a knife and fork (play silverware) to FAKE CUT AND EAT THE BABY DOLL. I asked her brother if it was normal and he said "yeah, she's just scary". She assured me then "it's okay, I don't have a real baby so it's just pretend". Later we were making paper bag puppets and at first she wanted it to be her cat but then she put three eyes on it and said "I like him better as a monster that eats people" and I was terrified to tell her no after that. This was at a church, I providing childcare for the two siblings during a FUNERAL.
Sorry about the long comment, this was as short as I could make this
Sorry about the long comment, this was as short as I could make this
fun fact 13 comments
· 9 years ago
Actually, I'm pretty sure I've babysat at least one future killer/cannabel- long story short she was telling me about cooking and eating babies and her brother was telling me that she's normally crazy. (but there are WAY more reasons I believe she will be)
Aliens on earth 22 comments
Not sure that's a good idea 5 comments
· 9 years ago
It depends on where you live- some climates/places get ants year round. My problem wouldn't be ants but the mess (and our dog)
This guy sold 110 games plus 6 consoles (including ps4) to buy an engagement ring 30 comments
· 9 years ago
Totally agreed- and I think diamonds are stupid and overrated. I would cry if my boyfriend did this. There's no point! I'd rather get married with a ring from a sleazy pawn shop than have him lose this much.
The perfect Christmas gift. 5 comments
· 9 years ago
My friend's husband once got her a frying pan for Christmas... she hit him in the face with it so I'm thinking these might be a WONDERFUL idea. (the hit was VERY gentle, didn't even leave a bruise, and he made a sexist remark about her place being in the kitchen.)
This wins black twitter 5 comments
Its them 11 comments
· 9 years ago
My boyfriend's neighbor was banging aggressively on their door at 1 in the morning because they needed sugar. My boyfriend didn't know who it was though so he answered the door with a loaded gun in his hand. Didn't shoot the neighbor, just had the gun out in case there was some major issue... But seriously, who asks for sugar at 1 in the morning?!
This guy's ugly christmas sweater wasn't enough 9 comments
· 9 years ago
There's this guy and he's dating the girl who lives across the hall from me in my dorm (college) and last night he decided to wear his girlfriend's hand-me-down ugly Christmas sweater that had freaking shoulder pads and I yelled that he looked great and so my boyfriend who happened to be in my room at the time goes out to tell him that it is "on point" and "goes great with his shoes" and basically it was two college dudes talking about how well his 80s sweater went with his outfit while their girlfriends and a random RA were laughing our asses off at the insanity of the situation.
Am I adulting correctly? 3 comments
· 9 years ago
You are not adulting correctly unless that glass is actually plastic because shattered glass is worse that spilled wine
seems like he was stumped with this question 5 comments
Dang he's good 7 comments
· 9 years ago
Only difference is Bob Ross usually used extremely large paint brushes not little ones like here.