That '70s Show 4 comments
· 7 years ago
That's not even tight!
Things that have never, ever been said 9 comments
And they said tinder would be fun 7 comments
· 7 years ago
Yeah, he could have easily misread the number when he matched with her. She was just being rude.
Strike while the building is hot 4 comments
You can't ride your bike in here 6 comments
· 7 years ago
Maybe it's mid-animation (you know how the kid goes right to left and the opponent goes left to right).
101/101 would pet 3 comments
· 7 years ago
Dalmatians are one of the more temperamental dog breeds, so that might not be a good idea. I can easily see a family suing if a puppy ends up snapping at a kid.
Strike while the building is hot 4 comments
Suggestions? 49 comments
· 7 years ago
Puma because he looks like a puma and he would make me puma pants out of fear.
Animation 14 comments
· 7 years ago
I did a live-action animation project back in February. It was a 30 second project and it took me three hours to do it; I'm no professional, but keep this in perspective. Imagine how long it must've taken to do that scene.
Dwarf: Midgets with a better PR representative 13 comments
This neither trippin 7 comments
· 7 years ago
Okay that makes sense. But in order for the n-word to become positive, shouldn't effort go into making it less taboo for everyone?
This neither trippin 7 comments
· 7 years ago
I honestly find it absurd that there is a word that only one race can socially acceptably say. We have words universally considered to be foul and most people don't say those words (ex--cunt in the USA), but why should there be a word that is offensive for all but one race to say? If a word is that vulgar, then shouldn't no one say it in the first place?
Predicting the dad joke 6 comments
· 7 years ago
I'd personally rather not have a self-driving car. Driving keeps my mind occupied on a long trip, so I would just hate to sit there and keep watch in the small chance that the computer's AI would malfunction.
Predicting the dad joke 6 comments
· 7 years ago
I'd rather drive myself as well, but computers would be safer drivers; computers don't text and drive, they don't drink and drive, and don't have road rage.
What the f*ck 5 comments
· 7 years ago
I hated those posters as a kid because of the faces. 7 year-old me (and 19 year-old me) thought they were aesthetically displeasing; the mouths creeped me out.
That's me 7 comments
· 7 years ago
I think it's cool when people display their awards and such in their room because you can just look and see what they've achieved. However, for some reason, I take serious issue with families who parade their and their children's medals/awards throughout the entire living room and public downstairs. It always gives me the impression that the family is overly competitive and/or needs physical validation that they have accomplished something in life.
i know that feeling 2 comments
· 7 years ago
Everyone who had a rough childhood has that one thing that helped them cope. For me, it was my gameboy and playing Pokemon Crystal. I had other games, but Pokemon was the only one that truly captivated me and sucked me into its own world. I could go on adventures with the friends that I captured; I could do what I want unless there was a stupid tree in my way. Team Rocket never scared me because I knew my former stepmom and step sister were worse people, but I at least could escape them for a bit while playing Pokemon.
Probs crack 8 comments
· 7 years ago
"Andre, there's another me in the house!"
"Grandma, that's just the mirror!"
I feel like the first two seasons of Victorious are shows that would still be funny as you get older.
"Grandma, that's just the mirror!"
I feel like the first two seasons of Victorious are shows that would still be funny as you get older.
Sticker on a bag 6 comments
Scumbag genetics! 7 comments
· 7 years ago
Basically they help prevent skin abrasion and protect us from rather unpleasant infections.
CV tips 1 comments
· 7 years ago
I wonder if journalists and writers ever get black-balled in their job markets for working at Buzzfeed. Fluff articles and listicles aren't exactly the best thing for building one's career.
Kickass fact comp #82 16 comments
· 7 years ago
Here's a good article on the car http://cardesignnews.com/articles/concept-car-of-the-week/2016/08/volvo-ycc
Basically you have to remove the entire front end of the car to access the engine. They wanted something to look seamless at the cost of practicality.
Basically you have to remove the entire front end of the car to access the engine. They wanted something to look seamless at the cost of practicality.