KILL 3 comments
doesn’t work :((( 4 comments
la · 7 years ago
It didn't work because both the memes cancelled out.
Diet, please 10 comments
la · 7 years ago
@timebender25 the link still doesn't work. Also, I suppose it's sort of like a grey/gray thing? Cuz whatever you search the same meaning pops up.
· Edited 7 years ago
No mayonnaise is no instrument! 7 comments
la · 7 years ago
Too bad that's not a crow.
Romeo and Juliet in dog form 3 comments
la · 7 years ago
How is it like Romeo and Juliet?
Special kind of hell 4 comments
la · 7 years ago
I don't understand why you would mention that, I mean, if they said that they have the fear so they skipped some parts it would be okay, but here the actual review is " good game" and the rest is just about their phobia.
Maybe fake but definitely underrated! 16 comments
la · 7 years ago
So, the teachers kid was in our class and he was a big troublemaker. He was being really loud and she didn't want to get him in trouble so she didn't do anything about the guys who were shouting in the middle of class. What she did instead was kick everybody who didn't bring a book she didn't ask everyone to bring to school out of the class. In the hallway, the vice principle found us and called our parents. Thankfully at leasy the next year the guy just transferred to a new school, but yeah, that happened and it was the first and last time my parents were called to school.
Praise the sun ! 6 comments
la · 7 years ago
Tsk, they don't even sacrifice virgins and then expect the volcano to not blow up.
I thought the bag was used Canada wide 34 comments
la · 7 years ago
Man, even though we have bagged milk here it still looks so weird.
Non -gendered slur. 20 comments
la · 7 years ago
I never thought using witty insults could be bad but then this bitch came along.
Data. 11 comments
la · 7 years ago
Chrome offline game (2 players) 5 comments
la · 7 years ago
It's not
Korean Restaurant for Singles 4 comments
la · 7 years ago
What if one side chooses yes and one side doesn't?
Y tho 7 comments
la · 7 years ago
Six minutes?
James Franco on Tinder 7 comments
la · 7 years ago
Tinder to imessage straight up
When men cried 18 comments
la · 7 years ago
I dunno why, but as soon as I saw this guy in the movie I cried. I didn't even know what the movie was about or what would happen to this guy. It was weird.
Ghosts 3 comments
la · 7 years ago
Yeah? The ghosts use duolingo?
Doesn't have to be school 6 comments
la · 7 years ago
Depends on whether you are in 'Murica or not.
Proud Stephen. 7 comments
la · 7 years ago
Proud Stephen. 7 comments
la · 7 years ago
Shouldn't it be StePhDen.
3 · Edited 7 years ago
Coming from an European 13 comments
la · 7 years ago
Say, how were they killing the internet?
In my past life... Heck if I know! 12 comments
la · 7 years ago
Oh, I remember that from the exurb1a reading. Got a little cheesy at the end but yea.
Real as it gets 4 comments
la · 7 years ago
Spy kids 2
He's a child at heart 9 comments
la · 7 years ago
Nah, go ahead, whisper it in the ears of a stranger.
Levitating moon lamp 6 comments
la · 7 years ago
I think it's just you.