User kurukuruguy Banned

Fight For Women's Rights 45 comments
kurukuruguy · 8 years ago
And it's not as if all feminists exist only in this country, or only focus on the problems here. Sure, there are feminists that focus on things like harassment on public transport, and there are people that call themselves feminists that do nothing but bitch all day. But that doesn't mean that there aren't feminists who work to help stop the abuse of women in places like Saudi Arabia. Feminism isn't a single group with a grocery list of goals to be done in a specific order. It's a movement, made up of a countless number of groups and organizations.
I'm starting to feel like the cartoons we watched are making us weird. 13 comments
kurukuruguy · 8 years ago
Wow, what an edgy theory... About a childrens' cartoon of all things.... That definitely isn't anything I've seen before.... So original....
Who's your crush? 9 comments
kurukuruguy · 8 years ago
When I'm eating soft food and something crunches in my mouth 2 comments
kurukuruguy · 8 years ago
Fucking beansprouts.
Who's your crush? 9 comments
kurukuruguy · 8 years ago
Cute romantic relationship???
In Texas, theyhave ammo vending machines... 6 comments
kurukuruguy · 8 years ago
I hope this was something you found at a shooting range. But even then, it's not giving me that much hope. =/
Ice cream company tells it like it is 7 comments
kurukuruguy · 8 years ago
Carrot ice cream would be interesting. Or carrot cake ice cream. Let's go with that.
Sneaky Sneaky 12 comments
kurukuruguy · 8 years ago
"These are the movies I asked for though. Huh? My computer! *zzrrkktt*"
Mr. Burns is a good motivator 4 comments
kurukuruguy · 8 years ago
Car? Winch? Sledgehammer? Vise? There are plenty of ways to break someone's legs with little strength.
Just do it 1 comments
kurukuruguy · 8 years ago
Use antifreeze instead. It tastes a lot better.
That was eloquent as f*ck 20 comments
kurukuruguy · 8 years ago
Insults make up the majority of Trump's campaign, and it's hardly devolved at all.
How do you pronounce "doge"? 25 comments
kurukuruguy · 8 years ago
Yes, I too imitate the dial-up sound when I pronounce doge.
That was eloquent as f*ck 20 comments
kurukuruguy · 8 years ago
Though it seems to reference Trump's whole campaign, rather than just this statement.
That's the sad truth 19 comments
kurukuruguy · 8 years ago
And we've introduced many invasive species and lessened the numbers of important predators in the ecosystem.
That's the sad truth 19 comments
kurukuruguy · 8 years ago
But it's also possible that it's the pollution and pesticides that's killing bees. Though disease and pests have been wiping out colonies, it's also believed that these things were only able to occur because the bees were already made vulnerable. Even with so many species of bees, we can't run the risk of not caring about them.
Definitely doing this next time I play 19 comments
kurukuruguy · 8 years ago
Or the "Dildo McFuckstick"
Honey, fetch me musket! 5 comments
kurukuruguy · 8 years ago
Creator, if you want a do over, then don't get all subtle about it. Make it quick with a meteor or something.
How do you pronounce "doge"? 25 comments
kurukuruguy · 8 years ago
That was eloquent as f*ck 20 comments
kurukuruguy · 8 years ago
He doesn't seem that spazzed?
That was eloquent as f*ck 20 comments
kurukuruguy · 8 years ago
I would run in the middle and hope for them to all dog pile on top of me 6 comments
kurukuruguy · 8 years ago
I was thinking something else entirely when I read the link.
That was eloquent as f*ck 20 comments
kurukuruguy · 8 years ago
I'm not sure if I want Trump to win the preliminary or not. On one hand, he'd be easy to take down. On the other, I really don't want to risk it.
Now this is a healthy pizza 11 comments
kurukuruguy · 8 years ago
Jesus christ, these vegetables are barely cooked. Fucking caramelize those onions, grill those peppers and corn, do something with the broccoli and tomato.
True. 5 comments
kurukuruguy · 8 years ago
It's not poisonous, unless it was used in a reactor. Still, drinking too much of it is probably bad.
Improved Versions of Disney Princesses 25 comments
kurukuruguy · 8 years ago
Because it would be a pain to animate if the redesign was the original. A still figure can have much more detail.