User kurukuruguy Banned
Back to the future didn't think about that 25 comments
· 8 years ago
Shit, ur right.
As if they weren't scary enough 2 comments
I love having dyed hair so as a brown eyed person I'd be sad 85 comments
· 8 years ago
People going through that edgy phase try to dye their hair black, but the true color ends up showing through, like hot pink or blond.
What you can do with people's ashes 14 comments
This is deep 8 comments
The Martin Luther King of our time 38 comments
· 8 years ago
We can't discredit the problems of one gender just because another gender also has problems. We need to tackle both these problems with what we can give.
The Martin Luther King of our time 38 comments
· 8 years ago
Like with breastfeeding. We're free to have these scantily clad photos of large chested women posted all in front of Victoria's Secret, or whatever, but having someone use their breast for what they were actually made for? No one should be harassed or looked down upon for taking care of their baby.
The Martin Luther King of our time 38 comments
· 8 years ago
Gender roles are a problem for everyone. There's no need for people to assign people into roles based on their gender in today's society, as it causes these sorts of problems for everyone.
The Martin Luther King of our time 38 comments
· 8 years ago
Biologically, yeah, there may be situations where someone might not be able to do something. But this is why we have interviews, why people volunteer for jobs, rather being given one by the government. If the woman can do it, no problem. If she can't, she won't get the job, but no problem there either. The only problem is when people immediately assume that a person can't do a job just because of their biological features.
Back to the future didn't think about that 25 comments
· 8 years ago
Some people think the fifth dimension must be time, so if our machine can travel through time, space must be no issue, as it would essentially be the same thing. Of course, nobody has said a time machine has to be stationary. In fact, many believe that the machine would have to physically move, at speeds higher than lightspeed. But that's probably not the time machine we would want, as it would be a one way trip.
Gifs or Jifs? 19 comments
Gifs or Jifs? 19 comments
· 8 years ago
You don't pronounce it fucking gehnetic material, jenetic is actually accurate, in terms of pronunciation.
We don't end up in the same grave at all 37 comments
World Debt Explained 16 comments
Who's your otp? 34 comments
· 9 years ago
I used to ship it as a brotp, but with all the cute fanart, it ended up as a romantic ship for me. But Licenseless Rider will always be the true bro in my heart.
Life lessons from Miss Piggy 5 comments
· 9 years ago
Have you seen some of the older cartoons? There was violence up the wazoo.
World Debt Explained 16 comments
· 9 years ago
Regardless, the world is going to shit over a ridiculously complex social construct.
We don't end up in the same grave at all 37 comments
We don't end up in the same grave at all 37 comments
Zombie rights activists 9 comments
I love having dyed hair so as a brown eyed person I'd be sad 85 comments
· 9 years ago
Or you'd have gradient hair or highlights. It's like something out of an anime.