Someone who hates humans, however, still unwillingly craves their attention
— Kurama_Otsutsuki Report User
That was helpful 30 comments
· 7 years ago
Funny how the recovery rates of religious and atheist people are the same. Also it seems that prayer does not help recovery either. How odd.
That was helpful 30 comments
· 7 years ago
Any positive that comes from religion can be gained without. Most "joys" of religion are actually the human liking of being near other people. Join a book club or whatever the hell people do and you'll get the same result. As a bonus, you even get to become more intelligent.
So I asked mom she changes the topic 34 comments
· 7 years ago
Ah, I get it! So because your previous belief has been proven wrong, you just twist the original words instead of admitting that you are trapped and have no answer!
So I asked mom she changes the topic 34 comments
· 7 years ago
If God came before me and proved without a doubt that he is real, I'd admit that he is real. But I would never worship him. He is a despicable person who is undeserving of any praise. However, I do not have to worry because it is impossible for the God of the Bible to exist due to the constant contradictions. It's like saying I am holding a cubic sphere. It simply cannot be so. Perhaps a god exists, but I am highly doubtful that it is similar to any of the gods we humans have simply made up when we were scared or wanted someone to follow - although the main cause for religion is simply to push a certain agenda over a group of people for the sole intent of manipulation.
So I asked mom she changes the topic 34 comments
· 7 years ago
I do hope that you leave whatever religion you are in (I assume Christanity) as it is depriving you of reality. The true wonder of the world is revealed when you stop looking through the biased belief that God exists. Everything can be explained without invoking God.
The Bible says the moon is a light source, that the Earth is 6500~ years old, that unicorns, dragons, magic, and talking snakes exist, that killing people is okay, that slavery is okay - as long as it's not Jewish people, to kill your child if he doesn't do exactly as you say, that it is alright to rape women, that women are less then men, that homosexuality is wrong, etc... The list of atrocities in the Bible is immense. According to the Bible's own words, Yahweh is a malevolent, foolish God who thrives off the pain of others while pretending he does not. He sacrificed himself to himself in order to protect you - maybe - from himself.
The Bible says the moon is a light source, that the Earth is 6500~ years old, that unicorns, dragons, magic, and talking snakes exist, that killing people is okay, that slavery is okay - as long as it's not Jewish people, to kill your child if he doesn't do exactly as you say, that it is alright to rape women, that women are less then men, that homosexuality is wrong, etc... The list of atrocities in the Bible is immense. According to the Bible's own words, Yahweh is a malevolent, foolish God who thrives off the pain of others while pretending he does not. He sacrificed himself to himself in order to protect you - maybe - from himself.
So I asked mom she changes the topic 34 comments
· 7 years ago
Yahweh, from the bible, is supposedly (I say supposedly as his actions in the Bible show him to be a fool) omniscient. He knows everything and everything that happens is part of his plan. So everything is part of his plan. He is all knowing and a "perfect" God so he knows the best plan and that is his plan. So why would he change his plan because you asked? Particularly when you realize that he knew - and caused - all the hardships that everyone is going through.
He is evil and foolish. He is a sadist. He creates people knowing they are going to have a hard life and then tortures them.
Isaiah 45:7 makes this very clear: " I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things."
Does that sound omni-benevolent?
I encourage you to watch this videos. I don't expect you to change your faith, but I do hope they will make you think.
On Prayer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcrdsrm9yuc
Jesus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWjKKj1UH7c
Edited 7 years ago
He is evil and foolish. He is a sadist. He creates people knowing they are going to have a hard life and then tortures them.
Isaiah 45:7 makes this very clear: " I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things."
Does that sound omni-benevolent?
I encourage you to watch this videos. I don't expect you to change your faith, but I do hope they will make you think.
On Prayer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcrdsrm9yuc
Jesus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWjKKj1UH7c
Cant we all just let respect each others belief 16 comments
· 7 years ago
Who gives a shit about what a kid praying in school? I've never heard of someone being told not to pray - I've heard plenty about teachers being told not to force the kids to do so though. It's not illegal to pray in school, but it IS to force another to pray.
Boy with a super power 8 comments
I mean the same 5 comments
Lend a hand 5 comments
· 7 years ago
You can't be Sirius. 2 comments
· 7 years ago
Wait, is this The Series of Unfortunate Events? I fucking loved those books.
Me whenever I break anything 4 comments
good one... daaaaaad 1 comments
Childhood 6 comments
Real gangsters actually look like gentlemen 14 comments
Sometimes love is very complicated 7 comments
· 7 years ago
I don't love you. However, I believe an intimate relationship between the two of us would prove beneficial for all parties involved.
Perpetual electricity 8 comments
· 7 years ago
Congratulations! This is the best visual representation of Entropy I've ever seen!