Com Truise
Circa Survive
Russ Liquid
Bluetech - The Divine Invasion
Double lane split 3 comments
· 7 years ago
It's real, it's part of a bowling competition. I don't know the exact science of it but I know it has something to do with the way the ball is spinning. If you look up the video you can see him put a funky spin on the ball so when it hits the pin it veers off. Bowlers do it all the time. I think it's called a hook ?
Edited 7 years ago
You overestimate your budget 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Depends on the size of the family. My sis in laws kitchen looks like this and she has a 2nd fridge in the garage, but she also has 4 teenage boys who empty the cupboards and fridge a couple times a week
Edited 7 years ago
They has sex 11 comments
· 7 years ago
I loved in Pitch Perfect 2 how Kendricks character is sexually confused about the german lady and she can never come up with an appropriate insult
Edited 7 years ago
Let's all take a moment to appreciate 15 comments
· 7 years ago
You should :) They're so easy and taste great...but of course they don't tase exactly like store bought. This is the recipe I use
You overestimate your budget 10 comments
· 7 years ago
Aw man, I miss those extreme couponing days when you could add coupon after coupon and basically get everything for free or just a few cents. I read about one lady who used so many she got the store to owe her money lol
Edited 7 years ago
Let's all take a moment to appreciate 15 comments
· 7 years ago
Oh, you're welcome :) JK, I make these for my kid all the time. Look up Lofthouse Sugar Cookies and you can make them too :^D
I will cut off your hand 7 comments
· 7 years ago
My dog does this too. She'll walk up to the bed or couch and rest her snout on the edge then just stare at me with her ears pushed as far back as she can. After about 1 min of no pets she'll start softly whining and sighing to get my attention. After about 2 more minutes of no pets she gets all antsy and she'll inch closer and heavily breathe on me and whine some more. After about 4 or 5 minutes she starts shaking and "talking" to me
Bioluminescent mushrooms 5 comments
· 7 years ago
No. There are no edible bioluminescent mushrooms. Some edible mushrooms have bioluminescent mycelium but they're not "active" if that's what your asking :)
Edited 7 years ago
Sandman is savage 7 comments
Happy New Year, children! 6 comments
Dumbass boy turns down scholarships for a girl ???? 10 comments
· 7 years ago
My step brother did this. He turned down a baseball scholarship. Could have gone professional but decided to go to community college with his now ex gf because she kept pestering him to stay behind. She broke up with him shortly after and he dropped out after a few months
Designed on earth and made in space 10 comments
· 7 years ago
It was either Jim Lovell or Frank Borman in the beginning stages of Project Gemini...yes, I looked that shit up
Edited 7 years ago
Found in a flat earth group 2 comments
· 7 years ago
I find them super amusing though. For the last few weeks one of my favorite things to do when I'm bored is watch flat earth videos and interviews. They're so sure of themselves and their "scientific experiments", it's nuts
This slide has speed boosters 12 comments
This slide has speed boosters 12 comments
· 7 years ago
There was a slide at the park I used to play at as a kid, it was made entirely of these rollers..I don't know how many times I got my fingers stuck in it. One kid broke a finger :( They're awful lol
Its bad picture because haram 3 comments
· 7 years ago
When a woman sits passenger she experiences these vibrations as well...which is why I love my father in laws truck
Edited 7 years ago
Ahhh!!! No escaping from humans. 4 comments
Don't Scare 3 comments
· 7 years ago
When I was pregnant I was super jumpy and easy to scare. One night my husband thought it would be funny to scare me(at 8 1/2 months pregnant), so he hid behind a corner then jumped out at me. I screamed and smacked the shit out of him, ended up cutting him with my ring. His dad runs out thinking I'm in labor. I told him "No no, Husband scared me" Then he proceeded to smack my husband for scaring an extremely pregnant woman
Ok, so then... It's not leather? 7 comments
· 7 years ago
It's called MuSkin..it's so soft :) Most faux leathers are made of vegetan, lorica, and PVC. Some are made of cork and kelp
Edited 7 years ago
*Don't laugh, Don't laugh, Don't laugh, Don't laugh* 9 comments
· 7 years ago
I was wrapping gifts with my sis in law and I needed the scissors. Not thinking about it I said "scissor me" and she gave me the funniest look then said "well, ok but I don't think my brother would approve"
Or the third from the right 10 comments