Com Truise
Circa Survive
Russ Liquid
Bluetech - The Divine Invasion
Black cat magic 4 comments
· 7 years ago
She's definitely already there lol I meant halfway to the amount of cats shown in the pic
Black cat magic 4 comments
Still think better graphics are everything? 7 comments
Perfect name 3 comments
· 7 years ago
His name was Alpa Chino but I think Alpha would have been better
Edited 7 years ago
Instant punishment 6 comments
· 7 years ago
I got that...eventually :) I looked it up because I started wondering if the chair spun 360 without her sitting in it
Best sweater ever 2 comments
· 7 years ago
These are so fun! I saw one at Walmart, it was a reindeer and the face changed. My son and I played with it for 10 minutes. My husband said "you two are amused waayyy too easily"
Instant punishment 6 comments
· 7 years ago
I don't think that chair could do a 360 with her sitting in it, her legs would hit the door
I had to check haha. it only goes 180
Edited 7 years ago
I had to check haha. it only goes 180
Working in customer service be like 2 comments
· 7 years ago
There's this guy who works at the Walmart by my house. He's super awkward and shy, my husband and I always felt kind of bad for him because he's a nice guy but you can tell he's gotten a lot of shit from people. One day I was in line at Customer Service and shy guy is at the counter. He seems like he's putting more effort into not being so awkward. There was a guy, his wife, and their new baby in front of me. Both parents are stressed out, the wife is practically yelling at the husband and just being plain rude to everyone. Shy guy enthusiastically waves them over with a big smile and says "You're next!" The husband goes "Oh! Hur hur, I'm next? Of course I'm next, there's nobody in front of me!" He went on insulting shy guys intelligence then started complaining about not being able to return something without a tag or reciept.Shy guys eyes went dead and all I could think is "this guy is going to f*ing torch this place someday, or shoot it up..either way this place is going down"
The best kind of woofers 2 comments
· 7 years ago
This is the cutest f*ing thing I've ever seen. I know I've said that about like 3 other posts this week but THIS, oh my gosh!
Avocado 16 comments
· 7 years ago
Saddly, a lot sex toys are porous but with proper cleaning you can avoid infections. There are special sanitizing soaps you can buy and you can boil these to kill bacteria. Porous toys should also be replaced every once in a while
White people 18 comments
· 7 years ago
If it brings them peace why shouldn't they forgive the person who ruined their life? Forgiveness isn't for everyone but for some people it can be cathartic. She isn't pushing what she did on others, she's sharing her story on how she found peace in hopes that other victims can feel comfortable coming forward for the help they may need
White people 18 comments
· 7 years ago
I agree that she's an outlier but it's not like she's telling people to forgive their rapists. She's putting it out there that this is what she did and it helped her move on from destructive behavior. She says in her speech, "What we did is not a formula we're prescribing for others. Nobody has the right to tell anyone else how to handle their deepest pain or their greatest error." As you said Guest, people handle things in their own way..this is how she dealt with it and it helped her find peace
Edited 7 years ago
White people 18 comments
· 7 years ago
It's actually an interesting TED Talk hearing both sides of the story and how they both dealt with it.
Edited 7 years ago
So.... LA is pretty weird 5 comments
· 7 years ago
She looks like a serial killer. Like she invites you over for a milk bath, watches you, then kills you and buries you in her backyard.
Milk baths are actually really good for your skin, especially during winter. Just add a couple cups of whole milk to your bath..you can put in a little honey, or some bath minerals. Or you can buy a milk bath mixture at the store. Personally, I like making my own
Edited 7 years ago
Milk baths are actually really good for your skin, especially during winter. Just add a couple cups of whole milk to your bath..you can put in a little honey, or some bath minerals. Or you can buy a milk bath mixture at the store. Personally, I like making my own
Avocado 16 comments
· 7 years ago
Oh yes, playing with hot (but not too hot) and cold can be extremely pleasurable for him and her
This is too much 59 comments
· 7 years ago
The Nashville incident definitely was not an accident. Teaches should not touch students for any reason but The Virginia incident sounds like it could have been an accident but who knows. All the bullying and name calling going on after is out of control
Squirrel trap 5 comments
· 7 years ago
They pulled it away with the string that's attached to it. You can see a little bit of it on the ground
Edited 7 years ago