A tip: Vine 9 comments
· 6 years ago
*bros *they're
Unlucky tree after a hurricane 9 comments
Kill the dentists 3 comments
Poor guy 8 comments
· 6 years ago
and im not allowed electronics in my room, if she finds them i get punished, and i didnt get to watch tv until i was 5. also, i have ipads at my school an my mom met with the principal to get it taken away but they said no, so she made me leave it at school. every. single. night.
Poor guy 8 comments
· 6 years ago
i left a sock on my bedroom floor when i was supposed to clean my room and i was grounded for 3 weeks
Poor guy 8 comments
Poor guy 8 comments
· 6 years ago
Im not supposed to be on here when my mom leaves the house she takes the internet and tv and gives me a long list of work and if its not done im grounded
I mean, you’re not wrong 4 comments
Poor guy 8 comments
Spider lays a trap in an appropriate spot 10 comments
Break your cutting board? Make spoons out of it! 6 comments
· 6 years ago
Pic1: when ur first starting a project hand have no clue what ur doing
Pic2: when you get a basic outline but it looks really bad
Pic3: when you have a rough draft but you have to smooth out the edges
Pic4: When ur finally done and you can actually be proud of something
Pic2: when you get a basic outline but it looks really bad
Pic3: when you have a rough draft but you have to smooth out the edges
Pic4: When ur finally done and you can actually be proud of something
Camera in a furniture screw 6 comments
· 6 years ago
So when you're screwing that in it doesn't scratch the camera head at all?
Some intense skateboarding 6 comments
· 6 years ago
I can't even go fast in a car without freaking out. I had SO MUCH anxiety watching this
Kid dressed up at an AT-AT 9 comments
· 6 years ago
Anyone else think initially that this was the robot from Black mirror- Metalhead?
Edited 6 years ago
Welcome to Saudi Arabia 5 comments
This tree that was struck by lightning 5 comments
How to fix a dent in your car for free 4 comments
You get It? 7 comments
· 6 years ago
It took me a minute...
Fat man? What? Did he eat them? Does fat man stand for someth- oooooooh.
Fat man? What? Did he eat them? Does fat man stand for someth- oooooooh.