

— kittycat Report User
Yay, I'm exotic 8 comments
kittycat · 1 year ago
Better off Ted
Very funny show - would definitely recommend
Please not to harsh 15 comments
kittycat · 2 years ago
It can't if we keep commenting
I can't believe it's .. whatever it is. 5 comments
kittycat · 2 years ago
That is artificial maple syrup, with added butter flavoring. That's why the ingredient list is mostly sugar. The repetition of "butter" all over the back is still weird though
Same Face Syndrome is universal 4 comments
kittycat · 2 years ago
Those are the faces of a mother and her daughters merged together. Though there maybe should be more variation, they are still related. If this was done with non-related characters it would carry more weight
And thus, America was born 2 comments
kittycat · 3 years ago
The concerning amount of bite marks on IKEA display apples 2 comments
kittycat · 3 years ago
That one in the middle was stabbed with a fork. What kind of monsters are so commited to abusing this poor fake fruit?
William and Willy 13 comments
kittycat · 3 years ago
fightthenewdrug(dot)org is all about the negative effects of porn on performers, consumers, and society as a whole. A very interesting group to follow
Now samsung can beat apple 6 comments
kittycat · 3 years ago
(It got shot and still works)
Pineapples are carnivores 6 comments
kittycat · 3 years ago
Random fact: this is why you can't use fresh pineapple in gelatin-based desserts. That enzyme prevents the gelatin from setting properly. You can still use canned pineapple though because the canning process denatures the enzyme
That’s basically what he did 4 comments
kittycat · 3 years ago
I'd take that IPhone, sell it, buy myself a new android, and keep the excess. And also press charges and enjoy the settlement from that
A near miss from being in Satan's Cult 6 comments
kittycat · 3 years ago
That's not necessarily "religious", but it is straight up "superstitious"
Gotta teach these women 4 comments
kittycat · 3 years ago
Her name is blacked out, she's just tagging him in each of her responses
This would be kinda cool if she had a clear inside layer 3 comments
kittycat · 3 years ago
It would be so dark in there too
Credit:U/Xxpoision 7 comments
kittycat · 3 years ago
Ah, my mistake. (And one that now you've pointed it out, I realize I knew that, but remembered wrong :p). Thanks!
Credit:U/Xxpoision 7 comments
kittycat · 3 years ago
Bologna is actually a French word, not an English one. We use it because it's the name of a product, just like lots of other foreign products. "Pinot noir" "mortadella" "tikka masala" "sauerkraut" etc.
Or stepmom 3 comments
kittycat · 4 years ago
When the world fell all to hell
My breast pump looks like it’s seen some sh*t 5 comments
kittycat · 4 years ago
Yes. It's definitely the easiest way to get breast milk into a bottle/bag. Hand expressing takes forever and is tiring
title 2 comments
kittycat · 4 years ago
I've done a bit of research on this since I saw some of the backlash on FB. Cuties is not a documentary, it's a fictional film made and set in France. Though the intended message is pretty clear to most viewers, a lot of the reviews state that the filmmaker went about it in a hippocritical way. Many feel that the director herself sexualized these girls far beyond what was necessary to get the point across. Most of the non-overreacting reviews state that they just needed to shoot and cut the dance scenes in a less pedophilic manner and the message would have come across more clearly. No one likes feeling like a sex offender just because the camera angles were low and zoomed too close to a bunch of 11-year old's butts while they "twerk and dance more suggestively than women in rap music videos" (quote from the reviews).
Best vacation ever. Period 2 comments
kittycat · 4 years ago
I remember the story behind this pic! The girl actually got a cut on her foot (you can see the bandage if you look). She just also has a sense of humor, so she repositioned herself specifically for this shot
Reversing roles 3 comments
kittycat · 4 years ago
Aw, I love the Kitbull short! And Brutus and Pixie are also so cute
A crime has been committed 3 comments
kittycat · 4 years ago
How long did they leave that sausage in the pan?? Gross. At least the owner of the paw print will appreciate it
17 · Edited 4 years ago
It's a fair question 35 comments
kittycat · 4 years ago
Not to fight for or against anything, but I think he's missing the idea that if parents don't send kids to school, they can't work/make money and thus can't spend money. It's not feasible for all kids to be homeschooled or to have one parent not working to take care of them all the time
Holes 13 comments
kittycat · 4 years ago
The kid wacks the man who asked the question with a shovel
Just an alpha bird dominating a beta bird made out of metal 3 comments
kittycat · 4 years ago
I literally just saw this pic with a caption attributing the damage to hail. Hmmmm
Fake but pretty funny 4 comments
kittycat · 4 years ago
Within a single country, whose economy is built around having X amount of workers, their significantly declining birth rate has the potential to cause economic collapse. When their current workforce is retirement age, there won't be enough working age people to support them through taxes etc