The CIA fired me so I'm no longer undercoverk :(
I can't say why or what I did or I'm done for...
That's a really nice d*ck 7 comments
· 8 years ago
Did I fix it?
That's a really nice d*ck 7 comments
Headphones theses days 12 comments
· 8 years ago
That's like $1.70
They marked it down to ¥99 which is less than a dollar
They marked it down to ¥99 which is less than a dollar
You deserve it 18 comments
Does anyone else remember that show? 6 comments
Can you Find it 4 comments
What % are y'alls phones at? 20 comments
People are scary sometimes 16 comments
Smash my face with a hammer 7 comments
· 8 years ago
Idk I think they just did it for the picture
I don't think there was a thing where people just went around shoving hot dogs in their mouths
Idk I think they just did it for the picture
I don't think there was a thing where people just went around shoving hot dogs in their mouths
Smash my face with a hammer 7 comments
prepares knives* 7 comments
· 8 years ago
I mean like they have them, so they would at least know what FaceTime is
prepares knives* 7 comments
· 8 years ago
It's possible they do
Some parents are with iphones and so they know what's going on with technology
Some parents are with iphones and so they know what's going on with technology
Maybe some education is needed 9 comments
· 8 years ago
We played this song in English a few weeks back for a unit we were working on
Business trip huh? 3 comments
Relatable #5 21 comments
· 8 years ago
How do you.... how do you choke on i- I can't say anything I choked on a piece of an ice cube once