The CIA fired me so I'm no longer undercoverk :(
I can't say why or what I did or I'm done for...
Let's make some music 3 comments
guess we've been using these wrong, ladies 13 comments
Everyday things under a microscope 19 comments
Real life bowser 15 comments
· 8 years ago
"Hurry up and take the picture before this thing up and kills me.."
Melania trump 18 comments
Melania trump 18 comments
Melania trump 18 comments
Melania trump 18 comments
Melania trump 18 comments
Melania trump 18 comments
What's your favorite song? 15 comments
Um...witchcraft 15 comments
How to be a cheeky c*nt 13 comments
How to be a cheeky c*nt 13 comments
· 8 years ago
The most survival you would need is food and clean water. Enough for a while, and if you made a raft, then you could survive and no longer be in the predicament of needing survival skills as you'd be in civilization
Warm drinks!
Cuddles with stuffed animals!
Lots of water!