The CIA fired me so I'm no longer undercoverk :(
I can't say why or what I did or I'm done for...
This man is part of the ruling royal family of Dubai 34 comments
· 9 years ago
Me if I were royalty
I will let the doctor do it 50 comments
· 9 years ago
But why do it in your home when you can have someone well educated in the field do it. Safely. They're still getting their kids vaccinated, you know.
What did he do get him the wrong Beyonce album or some shit 5 comments
· 9 years ago
Yes but for you to break up with them, they had to have done something stupid and hurtful, making that love turn to hate
How long did it take you? 65 comments
· 9 years ago
~15 seconds
If you wanted to find the answer yourself then don't looker yet
Move the stick from the plus sign to the 6 to make an 8, leaving it at 8-4=4
If you wanted to find the answer yourself then don't looker yet
Move the stick from the plus sign to the 6 to make an 8, leaving it at 8-4=4
I know I would 47 comments
· 9 years ago
It depends on how I feel
On a good day, hell yeah I'd eat don't some blueberries and strawberries.
Kass had a bad day? Never fear! Candy is here!
On a good day, hell yeah I'd eat don't some blueberries and strawberries.
Kass had a bad day? Never fear! Candy is here!
What's your favorite Squidwsrd moment? 10 comments
· 9 years ago
" If we play loudly, people will think we're good"
Edited 9 years ago
Title 6 comments
· 9 years ago
This is exactly how it happened.
Matt is a lil sneaky cinnamon roll
Matt is a lil sneaky cinnamon roll
How to pack your luggage efficiently 16 comments
Study to video game music 20 comments
Choose one 34 comments
· 9 years ago
I don't know Spanish, so the guest was helpful. Just because you know Spanish doesn't mean everyone else does
Stare at the gif for 15 seconds, then the pic 19 comments