Laughter is what God wishes for me. To be joyful in him all the days of my life. And I hope the same for you.
— kingchris Report User
Another reason to kill myself 5 comments
· 5 years ago
That title lol
I cant be only one with this problem 2 comments
· 5 years ago
Or erase app data. I used to work with phones. Big apps like YouTube and Facebook keep app data. Just completely uninstall it and reinstall if you don't know how to access app data
For those of you worried about the future 12 comments
Yes. There is an "ask " section 16 comments
· 5 years ago
Or how about don't mention that in the third date.... Or the 98th one either. If all goes well she won't be able to tell. Just try your best here Lil Johnny.
Yes. There is an "ask " section 16 comments
· 5 years ago
This doesn't belong on this site. But either way, you should never admit to being a virgin till later..... WAYYYYYY later. Like 20 years from now. In the meantime make pretend you know what you're doing.
Bratatatat 3 comments
Not Moving = Calm / Moving = Stressed 20 comments
Great, now even my mom thinks I'm a weirdo 2 comments
Fast learner 1 comments
Oppression is now DLC 6 comments
· 6 years ago
I agree with you but at the same time, in my own City we been trying to get this mayor out of here but it's almost like his ties with the mafia keeps him winning every election. So what can we really do bro? Like if we can't clean corruption out of a City, then what're we going to do with states and the rest. We need Batman
Always 1 comments
Oppression is now DLC 6 comments
· 6 years ago
Actually the insurance companies and Banks along with major trade companies like oil, and gold are in charge of the army and political stands. The public just needs the little things to keep us happy and the media will give a cover up for the reason why we go to war. That's why we are in the middle East and also now on our way to Venezuela but not in Somalia cause there's nothing there but pirates. *The More You Know*
Wait for it 11 comments
Oppression is now DLC 6 comments
NY at night looks like motherboard 5 comments
· 9 years ago
Yeah I know this picture is fake cause I could see the George Washington Bridge and there's no traffic...... there's always traffic
When you get thumbs down on your comment 8 comments