Laughter is what God wishes for me. To be joyful in him all the days of my life. And I hope the same for you.
— kingchris Report User
Only cowards hunt lions 31 comments
· 11 years ago
we talking lions. lions is the subject. The big cat. the giant walking pussy. NOT dear my dear
A big wet spider 12 comments
· 11 years ago
Crabs are like spiders. squid's are the wet hidden animal we haven't discovered yet that only lives in your nightmares
Sochi: "There's a wolf in my hall" 17 comments
What is he looking at, the world? 11 comments
· 11 years ago
are you.. telling me.. that sheep are important in your life? listen here captain Baby-Butt-Soft, you have nothing to say to me anymore. conversation over.
What is he looking at, the world? 11 comments
· 11 years ago
OOHH SO U WANNA HAVE IT LIKE THAT HUH?? WELLLLL, my country could shove nukes so far up your ass you could taste the radiation ! US uses 25 % of the worlds resources CAUSE WE CAN AND EVERYONE ELSE GOTTA DEAL WITH IT OR ELSE! AND BITCHH !!..... we started the whole free thing so u... can.... suck it
What is he looking at, the world? 11 comments
Wait, what? 6 comments
· 11 years ago
Have you thought of using a cup sir? or Perhaps a different dating choice? Or maybe even finding a better doctor?, Don't worry, we'll pull through. Stay with me its gonna be OK
Y'all are beautiful. 24 comments
· 11 years ago
I just saw the movie but I'm watching it again, and I'll Bring the (DRUMROLL) PIZZZAAA !!
On funsubstance... 4 comments
Jennifer Lawrence is fat? Oh yeah? Can I be "fat" too 26 comments
· 11 years ago
we're young and dumb all we do is rebel, this whole damn country (for us americans on FS) was BUILT FROM REBELLION ! Long Live The Rebels !
If he was a dinner he'd be Shaquille O'meal 41 comments
The numbers check out 14 comments
What is he looking at, the world? 11 comments
· 11 years ago
I do this in the subway all the time, then I start talking to the only stranger not on their phone and I mention very loudly how " Nobody specializes anymore, they just spend their time staring at their hand"