"I have come here to chew bubblegum and post old memes...and I'm all out of bubblegum."
— karl Report User
Accented short-lived unforeseen 3 comments
· 34 weeks ago
Abortions are usually performed to save a life to.
Who the hell does that? 1 comments
· 34 weeks ago
Ex gf was a vegetarian and didn't want meat in the house. Basically did this every once in a while.
Friendly professional hallowed 6 comments
The perfect woman 1 comments
· 34 weeks ago
Neat. Mine is zygote, the fusion between a sperm and an egg cell before they start dividing. It's full of as yet unrealised potential, it's the last word in the dictionary and mad points on Scrabble.
Quirky frail sorrowful 1 comments
· 34 weeks ago
Ögontjänare is a Swedish expression, lit. Eye Servant. It describes someone who only does right when somebody in authority is watching but is an absolute arsehat otherwise.
Edited 34 weeks ago
*Shocked Pikachu Face* 2 comments
· 34 weeks ago
Dang, the GOP alienating queers? What's next, alienating POC? Immigrants? The differently abled? Women?
What Two Millenia Do to a Mother-Faither 2 comments
· 35 weeks ago
Everyone talks about the time we stole the rainbow but we do other stuff to like Thor's hammer and we had Zeus lightning for a while.
Homophobia iridium, to be precise 2 comments
A kid with a self-made wooden bicycle, 1912 1 comments
Oceanic magnificent open 1 comments
Ladies and gentlemen, Matt Mullvain 1 comments
Duolingo.. What? 1 comments
When this door is locked the doorknob disappears. (DO WANT!) 4 comments
· 35 weeks ago
"Homelessness sky rocketing as Door Lock company under investigation and thousands locked out of their homes as app pulled from App Store."
Now your favorite bloggers are working in a parking lot - Parking Tycoon Business 1 comments
· 35 weeks ago
I can't understand how simulators went from tanks, commercial aircraft and WWII dogfighting to .. menial jobs.
Life is getting expensive 2 comments
· 35 weeks ago
No, that would be communism and we can't have that because then people would starve and die from preventable diseases and be homeless and .. wait a minute!
Smh Yet Another Media Celebrity Ruins Their Career and Public Imagine 5 comments
· 35 weeks ago
I think anyone should be able to run, felon or not. Otherwise it would be possible to control who holds a democratically elected office by controlling the legal system. What appals me is that Americans can lose their vote if convicted, that limits the vote in socio-economically disadvantaged groups.
The democratic problem of Trump running for office is that the two party system, in the US, then only have one reasonable candidate and this reduces representation for conservative voters who aren't complete idiots.
Edited 35 weeks ago
The democratic problem of Trump running for office is that the two party system, in the US, then only have one reasonable candidate and this reduces representation for conservative voters who aren't complete idiots.
Smh Yet Another Media Celebrity Ruins Their Career and Public Imagine 5 comments
· 35 weeks ago
He's probably not getting locked up since it's his first felonies, that he's been convicted of. Most like a fine and probation but he will have to ask his parole officer to leave the state. His supporters are unlikely to care about this and he's still expected to be the Republican presidential candidates, which tells you everything you need to know about that party imho.